- Comment on There was a time when everyone had common sense 2 months ago:
As someone else pointed out, it was a justified lawsuit. Additionally, they were told the coffee was too hot and should lower the temperature and they refused.
The woman had to sue, and only asked for her medical bills to be paid, around $18k. Again, McDonald’s refused. They then hired people to act like this was an attack, when they knew they were wrong.
It was the jury who decided that $2 million was what the woman was owed. Also, I heard that was 2 days of hamburger sales. The fact McDonald’s is still around makes me think they recovered.
- Comment on How dare he 8 months ago:
I thought the table was an island.
- Comment on New unit of measurement 9 months ago:
Using republican logic, God hates the border patrol.
- Comment on Good news and bad news 10 months ago:
No dates. He is still on the loose.
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
Used to browse Reddit daily. Once Reddit is Fun closed, I only go on to search for an answer.
Now it is Lemmy daily.
- Comment on A genre of Country Music... 1 year ago:
He looks like Neil Breen and treats people like Neil’s movies. Terrible.