- Comment on If you work for a gig app in the US they make you go thru this charade when doing taxes where you're treated and taxed as an independent business owner. joke country 1 year ago:
As an American who moved to Canada, there are similarities but Canada is still one million times better than the US.
The CRA (Canadian IRS) allows digital access to all tax info. Whatever software or service you use, just log into your CRA account and everything auto-fills. Done in a few minutes. My US taxes have never taken less than an hour, and often multiple hours if there’s anything remotely complicated.
- Comment on If you work for a gig app in the US they make you go thru this charade when doing taxes where you're treated and taxed as an independent business owner. joke country 1 year ago:
Can’t follow directions?
What is this, tax advice from Stack Overflow? I don’t understand why people like you don’t save your criticism for the system, instead of at the people using the system.
Yes, the system is fucked up… because the instructions are intentionally designed to be complicated to follow. I don’t know a single person stupid enough to waste their time doing their own taxes by following the directions on the IRS documentation. Horrible advice. Not even professional tax accountants do that.
The IRS free tax-filing service is in limited trial in a few states, eligible only to simple returns within limited income ranges. Most people, including 1099 people like OP, can’t use it.
- Comment on If you work for a gig app in the US they make you go thru this charade when doing taxes where you're treated and taxed as an independent business owner. joke country 1 year ago:
Your response is tone deaf. The American tax code is intentionally complicated to protect tax filing companies and to allow the rich to take advantage of loop holes. I can’t believe how housebroken some people are that they defend the shitty tax system instead of sharing in OP’s anger.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Public transport is clean and safe when everyone uses it. In the US, the social expectation is that public transportation is for the poor. Like white flight out of US urban centers in the 60s, it’s a class thing, and owning a car becomes a self perpetuating class signifier. In most of the rest of the developed world, like London, Paris, Tokyo, etc. public transportation is for everyone, rich and poor. It’s just a question of investing in and valuing public transportation over cars.
- Comment on Judo vs Thai Boxing 1 year ago:
I don’t know much, but “just wait out the striker” is a skill too, no? The judoka seemed good at feinting and dodging punches, which isn’t something you practice in judo.
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
By that logic, imagine how much a soccer ball will cost!
- Comment on Maybe this isn't proper shopping but $18.50 for four veggie burgers, buns, and danish seems like a lot 1 year ago:
“Why would I put tomato in a salad when it already has lettuce?”
“Veggies” are not a single undifferentiated category.
- Comment on Maybe this isn't proper shopping but $18.50 for four veggie burgers, buns, and danish seems like a lot 1 year ago:
I’m not a vegan, but that’s not the right way to think about subsidies. It’s not about whether someone is a “meat eater” or a “vegan”. It’s about incentivizing consumption. The person eating meat once or twice a week subsidizes the person eating meat everyday. The more meat you eat, the more money society pays. Many people would cut back on eating meat if they had to pay the true cost.
- Comment on To right a wrong in the automotive history books 1 year ago:
Can I be an enlightened centrist and hate both designs?
- Comment on The Plucky Squire devs explain how challenging the wild 2D to 3D gameplay was to pull off: "Can we do this? Is this even possible?" 1 year ago:
This is visually very cool and I like the gimmick.
- Comment on I hate it that I muss all interesting low volume communities posts 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t that lead to the same problem of low volume communities getting pushed out by high volume communities?
- Comment on I hate it that I muss all interesting low volume communities posts 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t that lead to the same problem of low volume communities getting pushed out by high volume communities?