- Comment on LPT Do it. 9 months ago:
I’m a softwaredev too, we use this for our manual. Its writen in markdown, which we convert with pandoc to latex. We can use git for versioning and merging and the manuals always look very nice.
- Comment on LPT Do it. 9 months ago:
Latex is no versioning tool but a textsetting language. It outputs perfectly formatted Documents after building and takes care of aranging images, quotes and all the tedious stuff so after setting up your template you only have to care about content. It works well with git.
Not like word where adding an image fucks the whole formatting.
- Comment on Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game 10 months ago:
Don’t send opponents location until they are visible for example. That way a wallhack won’t work.
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
They are not going that fast. Don’t know where those numbers are from… ebikes are limited to 25km/h to be considered a bicycle.