- Comment on Too early on a Monday for deadlines 5 weeks ago:
All in favor of changing it to “as fast as possible” show your hands. From here on the phrase shall be AFAP.
- Comment on I'm an educator and have to tell my students the same lie every day. 2 months ago:
I don’t even care if I’m not rewarded. I just don’t want to be punished. They have made it impossible to have a simple life.
- Comment on USA USA! 2 months ago:
I hereby nominate “The Adjuster” for president. He now can not be prosecuted and all investigations against him are no more than political witch hunts.
- Comment on What character that was meant to be portrayed as "cool" by the actor came across as the exact opposite? 4 months ago:
Most of the Taylor Sheridan shows and movies. I don’t know if he’s writes the dialogs, but there is a lot of cringe lines and scenes.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
While you might be right, it is a civic duty to vote. That mindset is too dangerous, which is why the right-wing trolls try pushing it. Voting even why you know it won’t make a difference is the most basic thing you can do to push back. Who knows what could happen if we get enough people out of that mindset. Simply voting, regardless of who for, is an event that every American should take pride in.
- Comment on ligma 8 months ago:
I don’t remember where I saw it, but I watched a video about different exo-planets. One that stuck out to me was a planet that had miles of ice but possibly also a liquid water ocean underneath. If intelligent life evolved down there, they would probably have no clue about the wider universe and think their world is all that exists. Imagine such a being’s reaction if they ever drilled up through the ice. I feel like this could be turned into a good sci-fi book.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
(Joke starts at 30sec.)
- Comment on A fair trade 1 year ago:
For me there’s a certain amount of stress relief when I feel good contact with the ball. It can also be fun to try to be accurate the same as with other games like darts.
- Comment on Welcome to the Monkey House 1 year ago:
There is a combination of sounds that could perfectly describe advanced technology capable of ending world hunger and suffering. Verbal communication is like spells. All words have an effect on our mind and emotions, it’s just that most word’s effects are too small to notice. There could be some perfect combination of word’s that resonate with everyone and brings about world peace.
- Comment on Sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky is moving from science fiction to reality 1 year ago:
If it’s less effective than simply planting more plants, then it would be pointless. It’ll take a massive amount of renewable energy to have any impact. That renewable energy might be better used to help burn less fossil fuels.