- Comment on When does investing become gambling? 8 months ago:
I do t consider bonds or CDs as gambling. They are guaranteed unless the entire financial institution dies, in which case your investment in ammo matters more than money.
- Comment on Hades II - Early Access Patch 2 Notes 8 months ago:
Im doing the same… but its so tempting…
- Comment on Ubisoft think gamers need to get comfortable with not owning games 1 year ago:
Pretty on the nose, since one of my fav games, ubisoft created, turned off the servers and apparently lost the source code.
Ghost Recon Online was a great competitive 3rd person team shooter. Ubisoft did everything they could to ruin the game though. Predatory ftp, no advertising etc.
- Comment on Newspaper in 25th march 1924 writing to historians in 2024 1 year ago:
Sorry, i just assumed we were at a point where no one other than the 2 of us would be reading this deep.
Yes that is how generations work. But generations in general is a very loose term. If somone in my grandparents’ generation didnt have kids, they would still be the last generation.
But it really doesnt matter. The point is that humanity has only had this ability in the last 100 years or so
- Comment on Newspaper in 25th march 1924 writing to historians in 2024 1 year ago:
No one from the 30’s is still alive?? I better go check on my grandparents.
- Comment on Newspaper in 25th march 1924 writing to historians in 2024 1 year ago:
I mean… kinda? If i do the math in my head… if there is a 1 in a million chance every day for something to happen. It seems like it wont happen.
But a million days is just about 2,700 years. The human race has been around maybe 100 thousand? Its a bunch of probabilities stacked on top of each other, in a way that reminds me alot of the Fermi paradox.
And we keep inventing new ways to do it and making the current ways easier. There are also plenty of non self inflicted ways it could happen. Commet or meteor, gamma ray bust, supervolcano, etc.
It really isnt a question of if, but when. Before or after, we become interplanetary or better intersolar-system species. My hope at this point is just not in my lifetime would be nice.
- Comment on Newspaper in 25th march 1924 writing to historians in 2024 1 year ago:
Ya, by 1st time, i meant in the last generation of humans. Starting in the 30s or so when people started seeing the invention of the things listed above.
I didnt mean like just now in the 2023. Or last decade.
- Comment on Newspaper in 25th march 1924 writing to historians in 2024 1 year ago:
This is also the 1st time in history we could fuck up bad enough that it wont be recoverable. Climate change, nuclear war, biological experimentation, AI… it seems inevitable that we will erase humanity from the galaxy.
- Comment on Are smart door locks more or less secure than traditional door locks? 1 year ago:
Two is one, one is none.
- Comment on Are smart door locks more or less secure than traditional door locks? 1 year ago:
I worked for a company that desighed home security devices for a few years… Pretty much everyone i talked to agreed there is only 1 actually good security device that is an effective deterrent. Its called “Large Scar Dog”. Every other device is there just to notify you that all your shit is soon to be or already gone