- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 2 months ago:
Skyrim and Satisfactory.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th 5 months ago:
Now that Satisfactory came out of early access and is now 1.0, I’m starting a new playthrough. I’ve got 1400+ hours in the game, 30 or so in my new save.
- Comment on No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul 10 months ago:
Linux has come a long way since I last tried it ~15 years ago
100% this. Linux has been my daily driver since ~2005 and it seems like suddenly one day I went from playing tux racer and trying to get Skyrim to work to some degree with wine to buying games on steam with little fear of having to anything more than choose proton experimental and maybe add gamemoderun to the settings. It’s a completely different world now.
- Comment on What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to? 11 months ago:
Satisfactory, I’m hoping to get employee of the planet cup before 1.0 comes out.
Angband. I don’t stick with it long, but I always come back, even though I’ve never killed Morgoth or the Balrog in Moria before that. Still, I enjoy it for a while and then move on again.
- Comment on The Weekly Discussion Topic - Game UIs - 04-08-2023 1 year ago:
I honestly believe a HUD minimap is one of the worst game UI elements a game can have. There is rarely a canonical explanation to begin with as to why your character magically knows the layout of rooms they haven’t entered and even worse that they know the position of enemies.
I agree. I like the way old-school rogue-likes would handle it (where you’re an @ symbol). You wouldn’t see anything you haven’t seen, but your map would remember where you have been and what things looked like at the time you last saw it (more or less). I’d personally just rather have a compass than a minimap, that way it could tell me which way I was facing and I’d have to rely on environmental cues for the rest. Maybe footprints if you have walked by there lately (or something has).