- Comment on TikTokers offered $5,000 to join Facebook and Instagram 5 weeks ago:
Yeah i dont see a problem unless they remove the blocking feature or force me to view content on my feed I cannot curate and opt out of.
- Comment on TikTok set to be banned in the US after losing appeal 2 months ago:
When the dictionary points to bad faith arguments, your name comes up.
- Comment on A First Look at Homesteads: Exclusive Preview from PC Gamer – 8 months ago:
Autocollect nodes will be amazing.
- Comment on Brb 10 months ago:
Merlin identifies birds as soon as it thinks it hears one; that is quite nice. I can click on the listed bird and it will jump to the section(s) of the recording where it heard the bird. Iirc birdnet makes you create a selection. I am no expert but they both seem accurate.
- Comment on When a Vault Daily is a Heart ... 1 year ago:
Such a fortunate son
- Comment on Reliable sources for exotic weaponry/trinkets/back items? 1 year ago:
In pve? Not too many. There are some achievements in LWS1 and LWS2 that give exotic trinkets, but some can only be done once per account.
Frankly, it would be easier to buy LW Season 3- specifically the Bitterfrost Frontier and Bloodstone Fen episodes and farm winterberries with different characters daily, which is enough for a new trinket every few days. All can be bough in Bitterfrost except the amulet, which you can get from Bloodstone Fen.
If you end up buying all of the living world seasons, The “Return To…” achievement offers a convenient way to work towards a legendary amulet while making enough map currency for ascended trinkets along the way.
- Comment on [Meme] What is your favourite elite spec amd why? 1 year ago:
Quick heal untamed lets me fart on and double flashbang people every 15 seconds. This is peak GW2.
- Comment on What mildly infuriates me is the lack of content control in this sub 1 year ago:
Kinda. If your sub on Reddit ever gets to a certain popularity you will be forced to fall in line with the beliefs of the head corpos or you will or be ousted and replaced by an in house puppet.