Programmer from New England Projects
- Comment on Don’t believe the hype: AGI is far from inevitable 5 months ago:
Well it sets an upper bound on compute requirements at ‘simulate 10^27 atoms for thirty years’ remains to be seen if what we can optimize away ever converges with what’s feasible to build.
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
It would become Twitter.
- Comment on Hachette v. Internet Archive is out: 2nd Circuit rejects controlled digital lending theory; IA's use is not transformative; all four fair use factors favor the publishers 6 months ago:
I agree strongly with your gut reaction. I personally use it as the archive of record whenever I digitize some media that would otherwise be lost. I use it when trying to establish how something looked in the past. I don’t need IA to go out and pick losing fights with publishers at the expense of the excellent services they already provide.
It should be noted that if you want digital book loans Libby is fine.
- Comment on Just watched Balance of Terror 1 year ago:
Now you see why Romulans ended up a recurring villain… very strong start. Compare that to how long they took to bring back the Gorn!