- Comment on What's your favorite platform for buying shows and movies digitally? 1 year ago:
Apple is pretty much my go to these days. Full disclosure, I’m pretty well embedded in the Apple eco system and it’s been my platform of choice for over 20 years.
I live in the UK and have recently cut the cord with Sky (for my non UK friends, Sky is essentially the equivalent of a cable service in the states), and I had a number of movies purchased through their store. Although I can still see those movies on an iPad, it’s not easy to watch them on a TV, so I’ve essentially lost those purchases.
In light of that experience, Apple feels the most future proof for me with Amazon Prime a close second.
I also recently “binned” most of my DVD/Blu Ray collection, but before doing so, I looked up what platforms they were available to stream/buy from. Out of just over 200 discs, Apple won with 122 available with Prime on 114.