- Comment on fingerme 3 weeks ago:
They are probably just trying to keep consistency between an AD instance and Exchange or something like that. Or just laziness.
When we generate new user accounts we run a script that generates an email (so we don’t have to manually do it). It gets generated with the username of the individual which in our case would be first initial, last name. Then another alias gets generates to first.last@x.whatever and is set as primary. While the username@x.whatever is left as an alias, but would still technically work if you emailed it.
If a username already exists we will use the first and second letter of the first name and then the last name, etc.
In the above I mentioned consistency and laziness, but there is also another side, and that is your user base. If you are servicing hundreds of thousands of people or just a ton in general, consistency is very much preferred. Try having to explain to an end user that their login is simply “username” for their computer, but their email is “first.last@x.whatever” oh and let’s go ahead and loop in Azure SSO so now their software license login and login for all these other portals is “username@x.whatever”.
You end up with a mass of confusion. Sometimes simplicity is best when it’s possible.
- Comment on Grub out and about 3 weeks ago:
That is a much better though than I had.
I was over here like, wtf, did you just defile that grub by shoving a bullet in it’s butt, uhhh head? I know nothing about grubs lol.
Glad to know it’s not that.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Well, your post says otherwise.
You have the intent to do actions that could impact the housing/land market.
BUT you noted that people can’t live on agricultural land where you are at just now. so that makes a big difference, and had you of made that clear your post might have been a little bit more well received.
So I think that is an interesting idea but you are still going against the grain there.
There are many people here that are very against the exact thing you are trying to do, so the reddit quip you made is kinda backwards lol.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Please no.
This is already a big problem we have with the world today, people trying to make money from land and housing. We need less people doing shit like this. Causing housing market issues just to make money.
Also, it might backfire on you. More “clutter” is more work/cost for a prospective buyer. You would need to be restrictive to buyers that specifically want your style, which could put you in a position of discrimination.
You could say, “but I’m only one person, it’s not going to make a difference” not thinking about the millions of other people out there doing the same thing. Don’t do this, just sell it and move on if you’re going to sell it.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
Yes but that is very simple to redirect.
Unfortunately I’m not able to answer all of your questions, you would need to refer to our HR specialist for those answers.
Very simple and polite. Going and posting on the Internet that they didn’t hire someone because they had 100% legitimate questions make them look like an absolute moron, or simply someone that is looking for a slave that won’t complain or inquire into anything. When the reality is, a person knowing those answers is helpful to both the company and the individual in terms of finding a good fit.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
That’s fair, just pointing out in my case that I don’t/didn’t need to login to anything and have full functionality of my TV.
The only logins I would need to do would be for streaming service apps, IF I was actually using the TV OS to watch stuff. Otherwise everything works fine.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
I have an Amazon fire TV.
It is not connected to anything, and everything works fine. I just hooked up my shield to it and use that, but basic tv functions (settings and whatnot) work just fine without being logged in.
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
You aren’t wrong in the bigger picture, but the fact that I can change to the highest resolution and I get essentially 0 buffer time and it just automatically starts playing at the higher resolution tells me that the bandwidth is there between my device and whatever server I end up connected to that is hosting the data. Otherwise I would likely have a slight delay of a few seconds for it to buffer as it pulls down the data.
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
And even if you select high resolution preferred in settings, they will absolutely serve that shit at a low resolution forcing you to manually select the resolution every damn time.
Yes YouTube my connection is absolutely fast enough to watch at the max resolution you can serve, don’t pretend it’s my connection to cover for your intentional bumping down in resolution.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Well I hope Ms Allen can untwist her knickers and realize what she is asking is stupid as fuck and not harmful to animals in any capacity.
Not that I agree with PETA anyway but this does not help animals in the slightest. It’s a waste of funds that could be better spent elsewhere to actually benefit animals.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 months ago:
I’ve had that same issue before.
Thank you for fixing it!
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 months ago:
Commas, please.
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 4 months ago:
They are trying to “save face” by shit talking while refusing to show any true evidence that their product does not impact performance.
People are tired of it so they stop buying games that have Denuvo. Denuvo needs to look like a sound investment, but it’s bleeding out because it really isn’t, and companies are likely losing more than they are actually gaining via sales because of Denuvo, thus some companies are distancing themselves and Denuvo is losing money.