- Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 6 months ago:
I didn’t ignore you I just don’t spend all time in the app. I got no commitment to reply in any predefined timeframe. As I said I stopped watching in season 2. Up to that point everything is the same. Except the story of ciri and the forest is moved to a later point, I believe in the books it’s before the fall of cintra. It is not a different story just because you change outfits.
- Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 6 months ago:
How was it a unique story, when everything happens in the books? The head writer and producers just tried, and failed, to be better than the original by adding useless confusion and killing important characters. The games are different in that they play after the books and extend the world.
- Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 6 months ago:
Huh? I only watched until season 2 but so far the story was from the books. Just skipping some stuff and remixing it badly.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 6 months ago:
I like his enthusiasm and energy, but he also gives me weird vibes. Might be normal for redneck Americans, but I find it strange that his kids address him with “Sir”.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
It does, but you might not notice it since you’re exposed to the smell/taste all the time. But go abroad to Europe or some other place that doesn’t use chlorine for drinkwater treatment and you’d be surprised when you get back how noticeable it is.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
Was there, several times, all corners. Sorry to tell you, but your tap water smells like chlorine.