- Comment on UK traditional TV viewing sees record decline, Ofcom report says 1 year ago:
straw polls at the pub
So last time I was visiting friends in Northern England one of the really important events was going to the pub to watch the match. There you go, one room full of people clicking „watched live tv last week“.
- Comment on UK traditional TV viewing sees record decline, Ofcom report says 1 year ago:
Yeah, everytime I read reports like this I’m like “where are all these people” as well, but Germany (where I’m from) reports similar numbers:
81% tune in at least once a week, and 65% (!) daily ( ard-zdf-massenkommunikation.de/…/2209_Egger_Rhody… )
There might be a number of reasons, but I do think if you only know 1 out of 50 you either are quite young but I would think you are just not aware of them doing so. Even 35% of the 14-29y age group in Germany report they watched TV yesterday. And you’d be surprised how common it is to still watch the evening news or the “sunday crime show” even among younger people, for older age groups it’s simply not a question. In Germany, people above 50 are 50% of the population. Also it heavily depends on your status/class/whatever.
But I do also doubt the validity of the data, since it’s prone to be skewed heavily (I should know, I actually did similar field tests in the past). For once, they’re relying on people’s self reports and those are always terrible. If you ask whether people did anything chances are they just click “once per week” without even thinking about it. Also, the German questionnaire for example asks for “TV programme currently running” but also “watched in a Mediathek” (our version(s) of the iPlayer). However, you can watch the current programme in a Mediathek, so that doesn’t make much sense.
- Comment on Divinity Original Sins 2: An unbelievably awesome game 1 year ago:
I do plan to pick up BG3, and I’ve read that the combat is a little more quick-paced and hopefully forgiving, so I’m really looking forward to the release this week.
Mh, I don’t know. So I’m what’s (rightfully so) considered a filthy casual, I suck at builds, and I suck at strategy and tactics. I played D:OS2 on easy mode, and loved it. BG3 only has one mode at the moment, and I loved the main plot until here, especially since you can sneak around or negotiate with people to avoid direct conflict and still get the mission done. I feel D:OS2 had much more fighting than BG3.
That being said, there was one fight where I did not find any another solution outside of outright violence, and what initially was just my party against a similar sized group rather quickly escalated into a stand-off that had us outnumbered at least 3:1 and took hours. It was nice, everybody made it through, but it was a bit tedious tbh.