- Comment on Is concentration some kind of magic conspiracy? 1 year ago:
I often remind my significant other to participate in mindfulness exercises to take a moment to look at “the bigger picture” what that is for her or for you is in my mind personal. For me I like to just observe everything in my environment, I try not to focus in on any particular feeling or sight or thought etc. One practice that has helped with this immensely has been Chinese Gong Fu Tea. Every weekend my partner and I take about 2 hours to sit and have tea and be observant of our lives and worlds in a way that doesn’t focus on any one particular thing. It’s almost like meditation, which is something Buddhist monks practice for decades and sometimes never achieve their enlightenment. For you your enlightenment might be achieving that defocused state and becoming more present with what’s around you.
- Comment on How are 144hz screen possible? 1 year ago:
Display refresh rates, measured in hertz (Hz), significantly impact the smoothness of motion on screens. A display with a 60Hz refresh rate updates the image 60 times per second, each update representing a frame. Thus, at its maximum capacity, a 60Hz display shows 60 frames in one second. In contrast, a 360Hz display updates its image 360 times per second, allowing for the potential display of 360 frames in the same duration. This rapid succession of frames results in a markedly smoother visual experience, as the human eye perceives motion more fluidly when more frames are displayed per second.
Conversely, a display with a lower refresh rate, like 24Hz, refreshes the image just 24 times per second. This lower frequency results in a more ‘choppy’ or stuttered visual experience due to the fewer number of frames presented each second.
Analogous to a film projector, increasing the frame rate for smoother motion requires the film to move faster through the projector. However, without additional frames in the source material, this would simply speed up the playback. To maintain normal playback speed while achieving a higher frame rate, the source material must contain more frames. For instance, to sustain standard playback speed on a 360Hz display (which is 6 times faster than a 60Hz display), the source needs to provide six times as many frames per second.
- Comment on I'll never not want to 1 year ago: