- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I remember playing the shit out of that on a demo disk as a kid, good times.
- Comment on Am I going fucking crazy? (Regarding explicit songs being censored on various music streaming services.) 10 months ago:
That’s weird that the original is gone, the Marilyn Manson cover of it is still on there. In a more egregious example, the Anal Cunt song “Beating Up N*s That Sell Fake Crack” is still up too.
- Comment on Am I going fucking crazy? (Regarding explicit songs being censored on various music streaming services.) 10 months ago:
I’m familiar with the way censored versions of songs work, I’m more miffed that the version I had saved was the explicit version until it randomly got changed to the censored version.
- Comment on Am I going fucking crazy? (Regarding explicit songs being censored on various music streaming services.) 10 months ago:
I’ve only noticed this with one song in my Spotify library, Johnny Cash’s “A Boy Named Sue”. I saved it years ago and near the end is a line “I’m the son of a bitch that named you Sue”. Out of nowhere about a year ago the album version changed to be “I’m the [bleep] that named you Sue”. It still shows the full lyrics, it’s just the audio that’s changed and it drives me up the wall.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
We might have the same employer! Or at least I hope so, I can’t imagine two different sets of parents deciding that “Jackson” is just too boring
- Comment on Ok Lemmy Rorschach test time. Tell me what you see. 1 year ago:
A mischievous cartoon elephant with its trunk splitting the mouth
- Comment on Paid full price and got this in the mail (open box). GameStop and I have different definitions of “new” 1 year ago:
Was he the same guy that
forcedstrongly encouraged GS employees to tell cops to fuck off during the 2020 quarantines? Link for those interested