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- Comment on How Shopping Malls Are Being Transformed Into Apartments In The U.S. 1 week ago:
Cause rent-seeking
- Comment on Woke up today to find out my demo has 100% Positive rating (from 10/10 reviews) 5 weeks ago:
Congrats! I wish you success!
- Comment on I bought a freeze dryer so you don't have to [1:00:14] 1 month ago:
Primarily because it’s a $3k piece of equipment. There are myriad other food preservation methods (canning, pickling, drying etc) that compete very strongly on the price/performance scale.
For some people it’s worth it, but for most use cases it’s going to be cheaper and simpler to go with an alternative method. There’s nothing wrong with the equipment or the technique, it’s just the value proposition for the consumer is low and the entry cost is high.