- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
Replace Donald with RFK and you have my list. It’s greatly enhanced QOL. I still get to hear all about those guys from everywhere else, so I’m not “missing out” on anything just making my Lemmy feed much better.
- Comment on Owl Over All 2 months ago:
Always like seeing owl art!
I much enjoy the overall character of the picture.
There’s some owl anatomy issues, but I’m probably one of the few here that would notice. 😉
- Comment on Don’t Look Up director says ‘half a billion people’ have now seen film despite critics 2 months ago:
I didn’t really know what it was about, and I watched it shortly after the November elections. I thought it was funny, but did I ever pick a bad time to watch it. It lost a lot of the overall joke feeling and while still farcical, now it’s a little too close to reality.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 3 months ago:
I am a big fan of most zoos too, so I wouldn’t want anyone to write them off completely. As I’ve gotten to learn more about the animals, when I get time to talk to staff now, I’ve been getting more info on the regulations and licensing they have to navigate, and transitioning from a place helping animals to one that also displays animals is a pretty big leap, and that is going to require much more overhead. While many cases won’t be as extreme as a huge zoo like OP was looking at, that would seem to be what leads to larger and larger zoos starting to look more like a typical corporation on paper like that.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 3 months ago:
I suggest donating to your local wild animal rescue/rehabber. They’re all volunteer based. They receive $0 public money. The public rarely sees the work they do. They’re doing physically and mentally taxing work purely for the love of animals.
They typically all have a donation page, and many have Amazon Wishlists where you can send them cleaning, maintenance, or medical supplies directly if you’re worried about the money going to something you might not intend.
Nothing will go to people. You won’t have to question if you’re really help an animal that may or may not exist in a country you’ll never see. They’re your neighborhood animals.
As the ! person here, I look specifically for a raptor rehabbers to donate to, and I share links to those rescues worldwide.
I can’t find my link to the world rescue database, but for a US based one, you can look here or just Google up “wild animal rescue near me” and you should get some options.
- Comment on what's the best way to react if a guy stares at you like he wants to have sex with you when you're doing yoga? 3 months ago:
I still feel grateful for being in the right place to help out some people many years ago.
I was headed to meet some friends down at the shore and right when I got to town , I stopped by McDonald’s to grab something to eat. It was pretty empty, just the employees and 2 groups of kids.
There were 4 young teen girls and 3 or 4 older teen boys, and from the second I walked in, I saw the girls were very uncomfortable and the guys kept trying to get them to leave with them. They were trying to call someone to pick them up but nobody could come get them from what I could tell.
It was very dark out and the town was deserted, so I assumed they were not locals either so they didn’t have many options.
I asked them if they wanted a ride and they quickly said yes and literally jumped in my car as fast as they could. They were a decent number of blocks away, and they were very happy to be back at their rental.
I assume nothing serious would have happened, but it probably would have made the rest of their trip shitty if they had to worry if those guys knew where they were staying. I couldn’t have just ignored them without offering to help though, they all seemed on the verge of tears.
It was a little mind blowing how they’d just jump in a stranger’s car, but I was at least a neutral party when the other guys were already verified creeps. I wasn’t much older, about 20, so not in creepy old man territory yet, so that probably helped. As I said, I still think about how I got to be someone’s champion that day, and it makes me feel good to know I helped out.
I imagine you’re an adult, so you should have a decent radar for picking out some non-creep stranger. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I didn’t have much time to process the situation until after the girls had left, but seeing someone desperate for help I’d think would have most people willing to accommodate getting you to your car or a better public place. Most people are good and would help out if asked.
- Comment on So begins the great smart bulb saga! 4 months ago:
Second for TP Link. I’ve been on TP Tapo lights for the last year and they’ve been pretty painless. Amazon puts them on sale pretty often. I mainly use them as a wake up light and to turn on the inside lights when I’m carrying in stuff at night.
- Comment on ‘Venom: The Last Dance’ First Reactions Praise Final Movie as a ‘Feast for the Fans’ and the ‘Most Entertaining of the Trilogy’: ‘Tom Hardy Gives Everything’ 5 months ago:
Lol I thought the same thing.
Is it perfect? Nah, far from it. However, it’s leaps and bounds ahead of #Venom and has a way meatier plot than #VenomLetThereBeCarnage.
Take it for what it is.
It’s not perfect but it’s super entertaining
Venom 3 is classic guilty pleasure cinema. Turn your brains off and let #Venom snack on ‘em.”
I think #VenomTheLastDance is the best of the three, while still being incredibly bad. It’s bizarre, and watchable, because it’s willing to try anything.
Not exactly the quotes I’d want to have in a review of something I made.
With that said though, I have next to no knowledge of the source material, so I found the first 2 movies plenty enjoyable, and the trailer had some rad looking stuff in it, so I think I will enjoy this one also. After all the other superhero shows and movies, I like that these movies have had fun and not taken themselves so seriously.
- Comment on How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ? 6 months ago:
This. I have an old vintage alarm clock that I put across the room. It’s set to my “if you aren’t up by now you will be late no matter what” time. If my phone alarms don’t get me up, this thing is so loud and unpleasant I will certainly get up.
Phone ringers are too pleasant sound and easy to snooze. I need to change the tone every few months as I adapt to them all. A harsh metal bell or mechanical buzz on an alarm with no snooze that I cant reach from bed has me wake up at the last phone ringer because it is so ear shattering when that alarm clock goes off, I can snap through all but the worst sleep deficit nights.
It also pisses off the girlfriend when that annoying thing goes off too, so then I have her mad at me for waking her up if I’m not up to shut it off before it lets loose.
- Comment on A touching quote from Nimoy's "I am Spock" book (1995) 7 months ago:
I still think this is a near perfect movie. I will still watch it every now and then, and I feel it holds up perfectly. The soundtrack is 100% dated, but I think the songs are awesome and I listen to them occasionally too.
- Comment on How can I be an active user without frustraing the Admins or Mods? I am working at a slow hospital and posting is my only go to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 7 months ago:
Well I appreciate you listening and I’m glad I talked to you. I want to see everyone enjoying themselves here, and there’s room for everyone here as long as they are respectful of others. I wish you luck crafting your online persona!
- Comment on How can I be an active user without frustraing the Admins or Mods? I am working at a slow hospital and posting is my only go to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 7 months ago:
Fair enough. I was actually on your side of the dick/clit post as I agreed with your argument for using it, though it was not the way I’d choose to introduce myself or recommend anyone else to…
While we want this to be a growing and vibrant place, we also enjoy it being more chill than other spots. I just have a hard time trying to imagine someone as hyper in real life as your post and comment counts make you seem here. It’s like someone in a manic phase. For me, it’s just too much.
If it’s your genuine personality, I don’t want to crap on it, some people I’m sure enjoy it, but when my feed becomes the Don_Dickle Show instead of a nice blend of things from a variety of people, it makes me go do something else. I’d have no issue with a few posts a day and plenty of comments, but I don’t care who it is, no one person should dominate the feed, especially if they’re getting fairly downvoted. You may not be breaking rules or anything to get banned, but as I implied with my previous comment, you could benefit from learning who the audience here is a bit better and I think you’d have more success.
I wish you luck figuring it out, and I don’t want you to be banned or for you to have a bad time, but just remember to keep everyone else’s good time here in mind as well. ☺️
- Comment on How can I be an active user without frustraing the Admins or Mods? I am working at a slow hospital and posting is my only go to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 7 months ago:
I generally won’t say anything if I don’t enjoy a person’s posting, but since you asked, I will tell you my issues that I see. I tried to find some examples of things, but it looks like some of your content has been removed…
The first notice I had of you was something along the lines of you saying “hey fellow clits, how can I turn this place into Reddit?” People asked you to tone it down, and you did not.
The next day or so, I swear I saw you post that you were a guy. You were still being very exuberant, trying to learn how to take over abandoned communities, create copies of Reddit subs, and so on.
Now everyday, I see your posts everywhere, pushing down stuff from other regular posters. Your posts are all over the place in tone and topic. You have potentially serious things, edgelord stuff, and just random conversation things.
You’ve shown up out of nowhere, you start dominating people’s feeds, while not being respectful of the vibe of the place, trying to turn it into something we left behind, and constantly ignoring everyone’s polite feedback. You don’t present an honest persona, you don’t respect the communities we’ve built, and in some ways are actively sabotaging our work by trying to make this Reddit, in content and hyperactive in-your-face vibe.
Take a step back for a second. Browse Lemmy without posting or commenting and see how we work here. It’s a close community because it’s small and many of us are familiar with each other from building this place up the last year or so. We are very welcoming, but when you meet someone for the first time, you don’t barge in the house and act like you own the place.
I hope that makes some sense and you can appreciate some constructive criticism. I almost blocked you day 1, but you don’t seem malicious, just really bad at reading social cues.
- Comment on What are some good lemmy communities? 8 months ago:
Aww, it warms my heart to see you guys still recommending SuperbOwl so much! 🥰
For anyone that hasn’t come by yet, besides sharing the best sky cat pics ever, I try to share a good bit of actual science, conservation, and animal welfare information. It’s still lighthearted and for fun, but it is not the meme and pun community you may be expecting based off r/superbowl.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
Good news then!
NPR: Why drone light shows are replacing traditional July 4th fireworks
Cities like Napa, Calif., and Salt Lake City, Utah, have opted out of traditional pyrotechnics this year. They say they’re worried about pollution and the risk of wildfires, so instead, they’ll create a tribute to America with a light show made by drones.
- Comment on You need an entire crew to pilot this homemade tank simulator 9 months ago:
I don’t think I’d want to play it that way all the time, but I’d love to try it out!
Missing commander and comms to really be the full crew, and also they have way too much space to move around. The room may be full of diesel and man stink, but I couldn’t tell from the clip. 😆
- Comment on Don't let your dreams be memes ✨️ 10 months ago:
Down with monoculture! Down with monoculture!
- Comment on Picture Upload Error 1 year ago:
I tried re-uploading old pics I’d uploaded successfully and that worked.
I tried grabbing new pics from Flickr and Facebook groups and they uploaded.
Then I tried using the Choose from Gallery and Edit option in Summit and cropped one of the trouble causing images a smidge… and then it will upload.
I feel like I’ve been able to upload some higher megapixel photos occasionally in the past, and the new photos were taken with my Pixel 7, so I don’t know why they would have any type of formatting issue.
This seems to narrow down the source of the problem greatly, but not sure yet what the exact cause may be. Anything jump out at you with this new debugging?
- Comment on Picture Upload Error 1 year ago:
I pretty much only upload owl pictures.
I’m on vacation, but I’ve tried to upload from a few spots in the city to make sure it wasn’t something with the wifi where I was staying.
I use Summit, which is where I was able to get the long error message. Boost gave me a generic 403.
- Comment on Picture Upload Error 1 year ago:
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- Submitted 1 year ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on cozy computing 🌟 1 year ago:
Glad I could help! I was browsing All and just clicked the post to see the huge monitor, then saw your question.
I’m still not quite sure what kind of comm this is, but I love your giant monitor, and I’m happy you’ll be properly insulated now! 😅
Also, if you have not tried actual wool socks yet, check those out too. I find wool has the amazing ability to hold in your warmth, but it breathes the right amount that you never got too hot and start to get sweaty. I’ve switched to wool blankets in the winter for my bed too. A nice percale sheet and then 2 milsurp type wool blankets is lighter than my old comforter, but it feels just as warm and isn’t too heavy or hot that I can’t get out of bed in the morning.
- Comment on cozy computing 🌟 1 year ago:
Long Johns or Under Armor calls them leggings or base layer pants now.
I’ve worn them when working outside all day in the winter and they’ve been a big hit for girlfriends’ Christmas presents in the past. If you tend to get cold, there the gift you never knew you needed.
They come in a variety of insulation levels, so you can get ones to take the chill off or to get nice and toasty.
- Comment on This toilet paper at my work 1 year ago:
Looks like the office version of anti-homeless architecture. Most likely intended to serve the save purpose.
I’m becoming less convinced feudalism ever actually ended…
- Comment on Are shops in the US usually this run down looking? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Are shops in the US usually this run down looking? 1 year ago:
I love Aldi and it’s where I get 75% or so of my groceries. I enjoy cooking, so it’s easy to get basic quality ingredients there, and I’ll grab the occasional prepared food as a treat, especially during German week!
They’ve expanded their offerings and still manage a good price. We’ve gotten there ground bison and lamb and dinner frozen duck breasts that have all been great. I like their flake style imitation crab. They have some good seasonal offerings.
Their not having any name brands seems to help them beat the price collusion the other stores have. Giant has bought out most of the stores near me, which doesn’t help, but I buy little enough there I don’t complain much about it.
- Comment on Are shops in the US usually this run down looking? 1 year ago:
You had me zooming in looking for something. Like others have said, this is the “passing the savings along to you” look.
Target is a little more lively with an actual ceiling and brighter color scheme, but it’s really the same thing with a little extra polish.
This is a Giant Supermarket. Same overall feel as the Walmart, but slightly less warehouse like to make things look more appetizing.
Aldi has done a pretty good job of remodeling. It’s a value brand store where just about everything is store label, and it used to look rougher than Walmart. Now it’s become almost trendy and chic, but prices are still good. Makes the others really look like penny pinchers.
- Comment on A touching quote from Nimoy's "I am Spock" book (1995) 1 year ago:
I did see that when I was checking if Nemoy continued to do the voice in the series or just the movie. (He didn’t, it went back to Frank Welker, who voiced Megatron.)
I gave the first Bay movie a chance, because did 6 year old me ever love transformers in the 80s, but one Bay movie was more than enough for me. Maybe I’ll look up the Bay scenes on YouTube so I can hear Nemoy without dealing with the rest of the movie…
- Comment on A touching quote from Nimoy's "I am Spock" book (1995) 1 year ago:
He was also Galvatron in the Transformers movie.
- Comment on Suzanne Somers, Star of ‘Three’s Company’ and ‘She’s the Sheriff,’ Dies at 76 1 year ago:
Somers landed her breakthrough role as Chrissy Snow in Three’s Company, for which she received a Golden Globes nomination.
She starred opposite Patrick Duffy as a widowed mom and divorced dad who quickly fell in love and got married on vacation.
Weird transition here from the bot. The article had it correct, but the bot skipped a paragraph. Three’s Company was opposite John Ritter, and Step by Step was opposite Patrick Duffy.