- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 24th 3 days ago:
Doing my second play-through of Stalker 2. Really enjoying the game (140 total hours), but it does still have quite a few bugs. Most of the bugs are minor, but a few have been pretty serious.
- Comment on Would it be a bad idea to show up at a protest outside a Tesla dealership with a sign that says "Deny Musk, Defund Doge, Depose Trump"? 1 week ago:
Anyone considering attending a protest of any kind should probably at least skim over some of this guidance:
- Comment on System76 or Framework for Linux gaming 2 weeks ago:
I haven’t used any Framework systems, so I can’t really give a proper comparison. I have owned two S76 laptops, a now-ancient Lemur Pro I bought back in 2017, and just recently, a Pangolin I just picked up a few weeks ago. I haven’t really had a chance to put the Pangolin through its paces, but it does have AMD-based 3-d acceleration built in. The old Lemur (and the new lemurs) only have basic Intel graphics.
I was able to use my old Lemur for some very light gaming. I think last time I was traveling, I was able to play Football Manager and Fallout Shelter quite successfully, but Lord of the Rings Online was just a bit beyond its capabilities. I would assume that Skyrim would definitely be beyond the Lemur’s reach.
It looks like the F13 does have some amount of built-in 3d acceleration, so just looking at specs I would expect it to do better than the Lemur. Lemur’s got a slightly larger display, but neither are very big. The rest of the specs look like they can vary quite broadly depending on your order so that makes the rest a bit hard to compare fairly.
Like I said, I’ve never even seen a Framework laptop in person, so I can’t give a hands-on comparison. I can say that I’ve been very pleased with my experience with System 76. If you’re looking at S76, consider the Pangolin. It’s only a little bit larger than the Lemur, the price is pretty close, and it comes with more capabilities.
- Comment on Need to save money? You can literally just buy these for pennies, you don't have to go to the Olive Garden. 4 weeks ago:
waaaay back in my wild and misspent youth, some friends and I bought a 5 pound case of these from Costco. It was the mintiest weekend ever. Damn those were tasty.
- Comment on Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me? 6 months ago:
As with most things in life, it’s probably a combination of factors. But please don’t beat yourself up over it.
There’s a lot of good advice already in this thread; no reason to repeat it. One thing you might look at the Proton Github issues list. Occasionally, when a game otherwise has a gold rating but I have problems with it, I can find some interesting corner-case details here. Here’s a link that you could use to find Anno 1404 issue, as an example: github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues?q=is%3Aiss…
The other thing I would suggest is that you be more verbose when describing problems. You did a great job sharing the high-level issue and your system’s details, but what do you mean by “didn’t work”? Does it fail to launch? Does it launch but not do X? Those details can go a long way towards troubleshooting (though I do understand that your post was meant to not be game-specific).
Oh, and stay away from Cracks. Unless you’re VERY sure about what you’re doing, it’s just inviting trouble.
- Comment on Best printer 2024, best printer for home use, office use, printing labels, printer for school, homework printer you are a printer we are all printers 11 months ago:
“we are all printers”
Well, this would explain why frequently just refuse to work.
- Comment on Looking for a parody or joke type sub. Where you take real stories and run with it. Ex: Minnesota is in the middle of a snow storm right now. But in that sub maybe it gets changed to Minnesota is 11 months ago:
They’re not subs, but you may be looking for something like The Onion or Hard Times
- Comment on What are the most mindblowing fact in mathematics? 1 year ago:
The one I bumped into recently: the Coastline Paradox
“The coastline paradox is the counterintuitive observation that the coastline of a landmass does not have a well-defined length. This results from the fractal curve–like properties of coastlines; i.e., the fact that a coastline typically has a fractal dimension.”