- Comment on Master Chief’s return to Fortnite sparks fan unrest as an Xbox exclusive is discovered to have been removed 1 month ago:
Yeah, if you read other articles by the author, it’s all slop like this. Also note that the OP seems to only link articles from this site…
- Comment on Day 161 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
I haven’t been active in TF2 in years, but I have 2.9k hours, all without idling for items. That game was basically another life for me, around 2010-2016. In that timespan I picked up PC gaming, got into shooters, got into TF2, joined a community, started collecting strange weapons, got my first unusual and traded it, and captained a Highlander team as Pyro.
The game was and still is amazing; I only ever stopped because it was becoming detrimental to my life and schooling. Now, when I try to play, I mourn the loss of my old community servers, get frustrated with my worse skills, and despise the number of bots I run into on Valve servers.
- Comment on We need more turn-based RPGs 2 months ago:
On the indy front, I picked up Terra Memoria, and it’s been interesting so far!
- Comment on Vice Undercover imagines an alternate past where '80s drug lords had the internet, so obviously you've gotta hack 'em 2 months ago:
I was on the younger end of the target demographic, but I got big Geocities vibes from a lot of those pages. Such a neat game.
- Comment on Stories and Mechanics around punishing over-aggression 3 months ago:
Aggression should be part of a game, but shouldn’t be the only way to play it. Obviously, when a game is optimized, it may be the best way to play (Monster Hunter and HAME speedruns come to mind), but a lot of great games try to design so that different archetypes can coexist and play off one another.
Street Fighter 6 encourages aggression. The Drive Meter system makes it so that turtling and blocking forever will end with you in blowout, taking chip damage and having worse frame disadvantage, as well as removing your ability to use Drive moves and opening you up for stuns. However, also hidden within the Drive System are some of the tools to deter mindless aggression. Drive Impacts are big moves with armor that lead into a full combo, so if you can read a braindead attack sequence, you can Drive Impact to absorb a hit, smack them, and then combo them for 35% of their life total. There are also parries, which can refill your drive meter.
Magic: The Gathering has tried to balance the various archetypes (Aggro, Midrange, Control, and Combo) so that every format should have at least 1 competitively viable deck in each meta archetype. Typically, Aggro will be too fast for a Control deck to stabilize and kill them before they can get their engine set up. But Midrange will trade just efficiently enough (with good 2-for-1 removal or creatures) to stop the aggression, and then start plopping out creatures that Aggro will have difficulty overcoming. And Combo often has nothing to fear from Aggro, since Aggro oftentimes can’t interact with the game-winning combo pieces. And because of this system, Aggro decks have to have sideboard plans ready for whatever meta they expect at an event or tournament. Removal or protection to get over or under Midrange, and faster speed or other types of interaction to take down or disrupt Combo. Magic’s systems (Mana/lands, instant speed removal, and even the variance that comes from being a card game) don’t punish aggro directly, but they make sure that there are usually answers out there.
- Comment on UFO 50 - Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
Bought it, gonna give it a shot tonight. I remember hearing about this while on a bus to class maybe 7 years ago, and even though I wasn’t a Spelunky guy, I wanted this thing immediately. Derek Yu seems to have a pretty good handle on how to make a compelling game, so I’m looking forward to seeing this collaborative project.
- Comment on To the Moon - Console Announcement Trailer 5 months ago:
This game gave me my first real experience of melancholy. A sort of bittersweet sadness, born of what was and what could have been.
- Comment on (opinion) Lowland Shore has the best events since Grothmar 5 months ago:
I’m digging the Lowlands a ton, but I actually didn’t spend too much time in Grothmar. I’ve done the cycle of meta events there maybe 2-3 times total. They’re fun and interesting, but when they’re not active, I feel 0 compulsion to do anything on that map.
- Comment on To the Moon - Console Announcement Trailer 5 months ago:
To the Moon is an awesome little narrative. One of the games that reminded me that there’s room to feel feelings in games. And the main theme song (I think performed by Laura Shigihara?) is one of my favorite pieces of music to come from a game.
- Comment on Win a Guild Wars 2-Branded Laptop from Alienware! – 6 months ago:
Cool! I already have a decent PC, but I entered anyways. I’m excited for the new expansion!
- Comment on Weekly c/guildwars2 Question Post - Week 32, 2024 6 months ago:
Raiding/Fractals/Strikes might be tough to start as a group of 2-3, but you can look for learning groups until you feel confident enough to just join randoms.
I learned to do fractals from following guild members back in the day, and now that I’m coming back after a 6 year hiatus, I’m just doing tier 2 or tier 3 dailies and enjoying them again. Strikes and raids require a bit more work, but they’re quite doable as long as you have a good teacher and can manage your mechanics on top of your role.
- Comment on New Darksiders game teased by THQ Nordic 6 months ago:
Embracer doesn’t really make a game good or bad. The harm they’ve brought to the industry has more to do with their acquisition of studios and then closing them down after realizing they’ve overextended themselves. In the early days, they were looked at as a potential boon to the industry, offering pay stability for studios with their size, but obviously they made some poor choices and have done irreparable damage to many developers’ lives.
- Comment on NCSoft president: "The games industry's evolution towards acceptance and diversity is ongoing" 6 months ago:
I mean, GW2 (by Arenanet, owned by NCSoft) has had a lesbian couple since the first Living World season, and had a non-binary character in the 3rd expansion. They have inclusivity in a way that doesn’t feel hamfisted or marketed; it’s just in there because they feel like their world should have all sorts of people.
- Comment on Janthir Wilds Unleashed: The Enhanced Warclaw Mount – 7 months ago:
Awesome! I have the Warclaw since I used to be a WvW player before taking a long break, so it’ll be nice for them to feel more useful.
- Comment on Game Update Notes: July 16, 2024 7 months ago:
How are people feeling about the WvW updates? It looks like they’re trying to encourage actual fights, rather than puppies chasing tails.
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
RIP my impulsivity and FOMO. Ordered a black one. Though I may have an out, since my credit card company flagged it as fraud and said they cancelled the transaction.
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
Oh, weird. I have the limited edition one, is that the difference maybe?
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
When they came out with the OLED (and the special edition) instead of giving the regular shell, it was 2 shells. 1 thinner one that’s a bit thicker than the deck, and then the big one with a handle and the elastic covering a space to carry the charger. The small one actually velcros into the big case.
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
I’m a shorter dude (5’8"), so while I’m in love with my Steam Deck, it’s definitely a little much for me sometimes. Heavy to hold up, and I carry it in the OEM case. That being said, I’m a HUGE fan of the new case and basically only use the inner case, leaving the outer shell at home.
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
Specifically the form factor. I have a lot of nostalgia for the GBC and SP, and the smaller size means it’s much easier to carry and whip out while traveling. Currently, my Steam Deck is used for when I’m on a long (6+ hours) flight or when I’m staying somewhere for a weekend. I don’t feel great about bringing it out while taking a bus or train, and it’s a bit much to bring out while sitting at an airport gate for 45 minutes.
That being said, I would hate to split all my saves and progress between the two systems, so maybe I’ll just remain on the Deck.
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
I have a Steam Deck and love it… But part of me really likes the idea of the Pocket (not necessarily the aluminum one). It’s rough, cuz I’ve never gotten into FPGA stuff before, and this run is going to be a one-time thing. I guess I’ll hold off until the regular plastic ones are available again?
- Comment on The Bear Necessities: A Peek at the Lowland Kodan and the Story of Janthir Wilds – 7 months ago:
Tyrian Alliance? Is this essentially the new fill-in for the Pact?
- Comment on Guild Wars 2 Summer Sale Begins Today! – 7 months ago:
Ah darn, I got the $100 bundle (without the living world seasons) for my buddy just a few days before the sale. Unfortunate.
- Comment on New Astro Bot Will Feature Over 150 Bots Inspired By PlayStation Characters; No In-Game Purchases Or Multiplayer 8 months ago:
They’re just fun little nods to PlayStation’s history. Previous AstroBot games have been fun little 3D platformers, with little tidbits that pay tribute to the PlayStation and its various controllers and accessories and even major series.
This is just saying that there are going to be a ton of references, hinting at the scope and budget of the game.
- Comment on Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes 10 months ago:
To be more specific, there are 4 time zones in the contiguous 48 states: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern. Alaska is also one hour behind Pacific, and Hawaii (usually) one hour behind Alaskan. But Hawaii also doesn’t observe daylight savings time.
This also doesn’t account for how some states (like Arizona) don’t observe DST while Navajo Nation (in Arizona) does, while Hopi land (surrounded by Navajo) doesn’t.
Time is confusing.
- Comment on The Finals’ Season 2 brings hacker powers, a 5v5 mode, new map and more to the multiplayer shooter this week 11 months ago:
I enjoyed this game for a weekend. It’s neat, and does some stuff (like destruction and movement) better than a lot of other shooters out there. I think the game modes are a little intimidating for me, as a casual player, though, so I gave up on it. Glad to see they’re working on everything and adding to the game over time!
- Comment on Sabotage's retro-RPG Sea of Stars hits 4 million players 1 year ago:
Great game, would highly recommend it to anyone who has fond feelings for JRPGs.
- Comment on God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story 1 year ago:
I understand Jaffe not being happy that the games are going in a different direction than he imagined, but he’s also the guy who thought Drawn to Life needed to be made.
- Comment on keep going lads! 1 year ago:
Is there a source for this?
- Comment on 27 Years Later, LucasArts' Afterlife Is Brilliant, Brutal, And Few Know How To Beat It - Aftermath 1 year ago:
I heard Chris mention this when GiantBomb had him on their podcast a week or two ago. It seems like a wild time.