- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
They’re still pretty bad at being currency. Transaction fees are still too high and it’s still pretty slow and/or complicated
- Comment on Krebs on Security: "Using Google Search to Find Software Can Be Risky" 1 year ago:
Wait whatt? Can you share a screenshot?
- Comment on Captain Disillusion explains Shutter Speed 1 year ago:
What’s the context of this comment?
- Comment on George Carlin's thoughts on class structure and the rich 1 year ago:
Not even close. That’s louis CK.
- Comment on Steam keeps on winning 1 year ago:
That makes literally zero sense. If anything Chinese investors would want the open source operating system to be the most popular since the US is becoming more hostile and banning them from stuff more and more. Its why they’re investing in RISC-V development and the US is considering being hostile towards it for “national security reasons”
- Comment on Threads? 1 year ago:
.social is the defsult instance run by the mastodon dev. Its not woned by Cloudflare
- Comment on hows Naomi Wu doing 1 year ago:
That account she just reposts her twitter. She tweeted her new shenzen book from her main twitter but mainly posts on her business account now where shes selling a really nice CR Box she made
she was also selling these really good far uvc devices but she was getting harassed by people claiming she just repackages stuff even though shes an engineer and made them herself so she stopped selling them. They were the only consumer friendly far uvc devices on the market so it really sucks but I understand she doesnt want to get so much heat especially while she has to keep a low profile
- Comment on ‘Black Mirror’ Renewed for Season 7 1 year ago:
Its not even about technology anymore though the last season had demons and werewolves
- Comment on Is there a discussion platform between Reddit and image boards that uses tags instead of subreddits? 1 year ago:
Is this not how mastodon/twitter works?
- Comment on Unity is reviewing its product portfolio and says layoffs are "likely" 1 year ago:
It has actually. is at $50K a month donations now. It went up around $30K since the start of the new Unity pricing announcement
- Comment on THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS: PILOT 1 year ago:
There’s nothing anime in this? You mean an animated version of severance?
- Comment on THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS: PILOT 1 year ago:
Not really random considering the team is really popular due to a previous animated series they made. They was a lot of hype for this new series before it released and its now getting a lot of love
- Comment on ODDEEO - Monte Carlo (feat. GUMI) 1 year ago:
Love the retro style on their videos
- Comment on Is there something like F-droid, but for windows software? 1 year ago:
What do you like more in Scoop vs choco? I use Choco assuming it would have more packages and would be updated more often since its more popular.
- Comment on Is there something like F-droid, but for windows software? 1 year ago:
Is there a reason you use Scoop instead of Chocolately?
- Comment on **THE CREATOR Discussion Megapost** 2023-09-29 👶🔫 1 year ago:
Why create the discussion thread before the movies even released?
- Comment on Unity adding a fee for devs for each time a game is installed, after certain thresholds 1 year ago:
Godot has Rust support with GDextensions
- Comment on How come I can’t see all comments in some (maybe all?) posts on Lemmy? 1 year ago:
Its actively causing bad user experiences because it’s confusing and also hard to know that it’s causing the issue
- Comment on How come I can’t see all comments in some (maybe all?) posts on Lemmy? 1 year ago:
This should be removed. We should encourage people from any country/language being able to communicate with eachother and make inline translations easy to setup vs hiding comments
- Comment on Which Android Lemmy apps have mod tools? 1 year ago:
Dont forget its also possible to add the lemmy instance to your homescreen and it works as an app with mod tools. I do this for ios
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
These are great ideas especially the ability for users to invite others. I think it’s also a good way to get new people into the fediverse since inviting someone will have them easily know what instance to go to.
Will you submit all these features to the official lemmy backend too?
- Comment on Little Nightmares 3 - Reveal Trailer | gamescom 2023 1 year ago:
Looks good, I hope this one is co-op.
- Comment on Netflix launches a game controller app for playing games on your TV 1 year ago:
It would also work fine for 2D platformers
- Comment on What's the deal with the Armenia / Azerbijan conflict? Is there a right side to take? 1 year ago:
Thanks, the parenthesis breaks the link on memmy too
- Comment on Why you should unionize your workplace 1 year ago:
Is this posted by a bot? The Real News also sounds so shifty and dystopian in a trump “they’re all Fake News we’re The Real News” way like Truth Social. Also the user is called Jimmy Dore is a lefty which. Clearly means i can’t trust them considering Jimmy Dore is a grifter who platforms and supports people like RFK Jr. while endlessly attacking Cornel West and constantly does shady grifter esque things like Glenn Greenwald now does.
- Comment on Anyone remember a website that was used to share dotConfig files? 1 year ago:
yeah that its!
- Comment on Anyone remember a website that was used to share dotConfig files? 1 year ago:
Nope, it wasn’t a repo it was either its own forum or a section of a forum/community website
- Comment on Anyone remember a website that was used to share dotConfig files? 1 year ago:
Nope, it was more forum like
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 6 comments
- Comment on Fake news community 1 year ago:
Is it just me or does your link not go to a response by the admin?