- Comment on The Warriors and Nicknames 5 days ago:
the Knicks also did not have KAT last night
- Comment on Anthony Davis to Miss Multiple Weeks with Injury Suffered in Mavs Debut 4 weeks ago:
Lebron’s aura was the only thing keeping AD from falling apart.
- Comment on ‘Not a Scam 😂:’ Caitlyn Jenner Is Being Sued For Memecoin Securities Fraud 3 months ago:
- Comment on Eric Schmidt: ‘We’re not going to hit the climate goals. I’d rather bet on AI solving the problem.’ With "alien intelligence"! 5 months ago:
What solution is AI going to come up with other than “stop burning fossil fuels”? We already know the solution to climate change. Acting like we don’t is absurd.
I think a good first step in meeting climate goals would be eating Eric Schmidt.
- Comment on Risk of Rain developers join Valve, announced in a twitter post. 6 months ago:
Excuse the overdramatization, but it feels a lot like Frodo going to the Grey Havens. They did something great and now their reward is to disappear forever and be well taken care of.
- Comment on ‘Albion can’t be copyrighted’ - Peter Molyneux explains how his new game is set in the same world as Fable [VGC] 6 months ago:
When asked if he was sure that Albion couldn’t be copyrighted due to its historical context, he replied: “I don’t know if I’m honest, I don’t really know… I hope so. I mean you would think that the responsible person I should be, I would’ve spent the last six months in lawyers’ offices…”
Bold strategy, Cotton.
- Comment on Israel Police deploying Chinese traffic cameras blacklisted in the U.S. and Europe 6 months ago:
The issue, to be clear, is not who makes the surveillance cameras. It’s the surveillance cameras being installed in the first place.
Alarmism about Chinese surveillance cameras is missing the forest for the trees.
- Comment on ‘Godlike’ Curry saves USA from seismic Olympic basketball shock at hands of Serbia 6 months ago:
Shot better from 3 than from 2.
That’s my 🐐
- Comment on Hacker Shows How to Get Free Laundry For Life 7 months ago:
If you have an older coin-op washer in your building you can usually look up the model number and either buy a master key or learn the default programming code to set the price.
- Comment on China starts smartphone inspections to boost 'anti-espionage efforts', raising fears among expatriates and foreign business people about arbitrary enforcement 8 months ago:
For context: In the US, CBP can search your phone without a warrant if you live within 100 miles of a border or coast (2/3rds of the population).
- Comment on China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say 8 months ago:
The researchers conclude that the EU should use its strong bargaining power due to the single market to induce the Chinese government to abandon the most harmful subsidies.
This is their advice? Make the technology for the green transition more expensive rather than enact your own subsidies?
Capitalists are going to burn this planet.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
We won’t be abandoning the tropics. The people who live there will be. And, based on current prevailing attitudes of temperate democracies, those fleeing the uninhabitable zones will be told to simply pound sand. It will be genocide by omission.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
The democracy I live under now keeps ignoring or delaying action on climate change in favor of things that are less important than the comfortable survival of our species. If it’s trying to convince me it’s worth saving it’s doing a bad job.
My ideological concerns are secondary to my ecological concerns.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
China’s solar panel industry isn’t a monopoly, much like their auto industry.
The internal competition is part of the reason both are so cheap.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
I’m asking you what you think would be different if China was the largest global superpower?
If this is some great fear we’re all supposed to have to the point that we’ll forestall making progress on decarbonizing then it should be easy to clearly articulate what we’re afraid of happening.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
What’s there to defend? We need more solar panels. The cheaper they are the better.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
See above where I said I do not give a shit about how many jobs are preserved on my rapidly warming planet.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
The Opium Wars involved armed conflict on Chinese soil. That’s the sort of thing nukes deter.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
If you’ll notice he also increased tariffs on solar panels at the same time.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
Did worse than that to, like, China in the 19th c. But I thought you were talking about like France and Spain.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
they’d treat us like we (the British empire) treated lesser foreign powers
How’s that? Disadvantageous trade agreements? You already have those.
What would “direct power” look like? China invades Canada, a country defended by US nukes, with the PLA? There’s a reason Iran and North Korea are still around despite open animus from the US.
My point is largely that these nebulous fears of “Chinese hegemony” are just that–nebulous. Asking people to drill down into what they’re really afraid of either reveals the status quo or impossible scenarios.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
Yeah but I’m still not clear on what the fear is exactly.
Like how do you envision it changing your life having China “in charge” vs the US?
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
Control it how? The US is as close as anyone has come to being a global hegemon and even then they can only do so much to nuclear states.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
What could it mean? What’s the “nightmare scenario” here? The US has had a significant trade deficit with China for decades.
- Comment on History says tariffs rarely work, but U.S. President Biden’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs could defy the trend, researcher says 9 months ago:
Kneecapping decarbonization efforts in the name of “jobs” and “the economy” is just straight up Republican policy. I do not care how many jobs are preserved on my rapidly warming planet.
- Comment on Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together? 9 months ago:
Because game devs have to pay their rent.
If they go off to form their own studio, they probably have to take out a business loan to pay themselves for the time being. Interest rates are high right now, and rent and food are both expensive. It’s a huge gamble to make a game and put it out on the assumption you’ll be able to pay back 6%+ interest on whatever you took out. Games are not a reliable money maker. Especially from new studios.
Even if you get some sort of deal with a publisher to fund your first endeavor, there will still be strings attached to that, and publishers are pretty tight with the purse strings right now.
Which means really the only viable option, assuming you’re not already independently wealthy, is that you have to work another job to work on the game in the meantime, which means it will take even longer to come out.
- Comment on It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass (Opinion) 9 months ago:
It’s an opinion piece. This isn’t reporting. It says “Commentary” up at the top of the article.
I think you can “trust” when someone tells you that their opinion is actually their opinion. That’s the only question of “trust” here.
There’s an op-ed in the NYT right now titled At the Met Gala, Celebrities Are Nearly Nude. Are We Not Aroused? Do you trust that?
- Comment on The Global Green Energy Transition Has an Uyghur Forced Labor Problem, Report Says 1 year ago:
This report, funded by the UK government, takes the forced labor as a given. Their “research” is essentially, “we couldn’t trace supply lines, so we assume all green tech is tied to Xinjiang, and that anything made in Xinjiang has forced labor in the chain”.
I’m sure all the people who “worked” on this are enjoying their six figure e-mail jobs.
- Comment on New solid state battery charges in minutes, lasts for thousands of cycles 1 year ago:
Toyota’s announced they’ll be using solid state batteries in their production EVs before the end of the decade.
- Comment on Social media lobby group sues US State for protecting children from Meta, TikTok and Snapchat 1 year ago:
If you take it at face value, which you should really never do when conservatives are involved.
By my estimation, this (and bills like it) are intended to do two things:
- Reduce younger people’s access to points of view outside of the US political mainstream. In particular, Republican politicians seem very convinced that TikTok is turning kids gay/trans/atheist/communist/etc.
- Allow for aggrieved conservatives to extract money via lawsuit from corporations Republican politicians view as hostile to them. Because laws like this will obviously be circumvented, and these laws are written such that the platform is liable in these cases, these laws open them up to potentially millions of lawsuits every time a teenager gets an Instagram account.