- Comment on Is there a device to help turn stoppers with an o-ring? 4 weeks ago:
Hah. I tried doing some research about what this kind of drain is called, but I have no idea. I’ve never had a drain like this before, but I guess it must not be too rare?
In my case, the issue is that it starts to stink a lot. We had a plumber out a few years ago, and he opened that thing up and used a plunger to remove a ton of hair. He then suggested we wash it out every now and again, but I haven’t been able to do it for a while now, since I can’t get that thing open.
- Comment on Is there a device to help turn stoppers with an o-ring? 4 weeks ago:
Not at all a silly question! I have tried, yes. Also, I’ve been able to remove it before, but the last time I put it in, I really jammed it in, I guess. There are no threads, so the turning is really just about generating force.
- Comment on Is there a device to help turn stoppers with an o-ring? 4 weeks ago:
This looks very promising! Have you used something like this before? Most references I see online use this to remove the entire drain, not simply to turn the little thing inside. Is that accurate?
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on How modern is it to have "sympathetic" portrayals of Hell? 5 months ago:
I know I probably shouldn’t engage, but I really just wanted to spark a conversation. I find the trope interesting. I agree that my Good Place example isn’t that good, but still, no need to be so accusing.
- Comment on How modern is it to have "sympathetic" portrayals of Hell? 5 months ago:
I completely forgot to mention His Dark Materials! Hell doesn’t appear, but Heaven is portrayed as actively bad.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 65 comments
- Comment on Is there a wig that doesn't heat your head? 5 months ago:
I would +1 this. I’m completely bald, and almost never leave the house without a hat, even in summer. It’s also important protection against sunburn :).
For something comfortable in the summer, I personally often go for brimmed hiking hats. A few that I like:
- Comment on How does renouncing citizenship work? 7 months ago:
I’m working on some outdated memories, but IIRC:
Germany allows dual citizenship now, but used to not allow it in most cases. In those cases, if you applied for German citizenship, you had to express that you were willing to give up your old citizenship. Once you were granted citizenship, you had a certain amount of time (two years?) to show a certificate that you renounced your old citizenship. If you didn’t, your German citizenship would be revoked.
- Comment on Why do passports need to be signed to be valid? 10 months ago:
That is a crazy process. But I’m happy that you were somehow able to get a new passport :).
- Submitted 10 months ago to [deleted] | 15 comments
- Submitted 11 months ago to [deleted] | 11 comments
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 09-10-2023 1 year ago:
I’m still playing BG3: I’ve just recently started Act 3, and I am still loving the game, though I’m finding it harder to stay focused at this point. I’m also starting to think about how to play a more evil character in my next playthrough without being a total asshole, but we’ll see how that comes along.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
I’m still working my way through Baldurs Gate 3: I guess I’m around the middle of Act 2. I am still loving the game :).
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 33 comments
- Comment on Are metric measurements like decameters and hectometers ever used? 1 year ago:
In Austria, some things like ground beef are ordered in decagrams. My wife used to get confused responses when she tried that in Germany :).
- Comment on PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm? 1 year ago:
A good suggestion, and I’ve heard a lot about it over the past week :). I haven’t played Baldur’s Gate since the first one, and I was a bit too young for itr back then. Just bought it and it’s downloadin now
- Comment on PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm? 1 year ago:
XCOM is a great idea. I played it years ago, but never made it to the end.
- Comment on PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm? 1 year ago:
I…do not know what to think
- Comment on PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm? 1 year ago:
Oh wow! That sounds rough.
I have a nice full arm cast from my elbow to my wrist (Oberarmschiene). I just learned that I will have it removed next week already, because they don’t want to immobilize it for too long, but I was told it will hurt a lot after it’s removed, so we’ll see how that goes…
My thumb is indeed mobile, but my wrist is locked in place, so it is indeed quite uncomfortable to grip a mouse.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 72 comments