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- Comment on guys... :( 2 months ago:
I too am curious
- Comment on Which are the lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing? 5 months ago:
I’m always surprised at how few people have seen “Oh brother where art thou”
Also manborg
- Comment on Extended Clip | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Season 3 7 months ago:
- Comment on What Star Trek Mannerism or Phrase Do You Often Use 1 year ago:
I say “Fascinating.” a bit too often.
A fair bit of “Oh my!” al a Sulu too
Besides that, “shut up Wesley” is a common retort in our house hold.
- Comment on What are ways Renters (of a house) can get into alternative energy? 1 year ago:
The line workers would not be aware of power coming from the load side and therefore may accidentally work on a live line and die.
Most rooftop solar that plugs into the grid is set up to switch off if power goes out for this reason.
This is mostly and educated (from a solar class years ago) guess.