- Comment on Annotations for *Star Trek: Lower Decks* 5x06: “Starbase 80?!” (SPOILERS) 3 months ago:
I found it humorous that Clem is also a Lower Decker in his society!
- Comment on I just finish to see all TNG movies. 5 months ago:
It is the best of a bad bunch. The TOS movies inspired the TNG movies. The TNG movies inspired a lull in the movies (no call for a DS9 or Voyager or Enterprise movie) that had to be filled with a reboot.
- Comment on Happy Star Trek Day! What was your first contact? 5 months ago:
My dad watched TOS with me when it first aired, but I was too young to remember it. My first recollection is watching it in syndication. I went on to read my dad’s many books, especially the Star Trek Concordance and the James Blish adaptations.
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 5 months ago:
Thanks, that sent me Googling. “KIM: I’ll try extrapolating the verteron exit vector. No, I can’t get it. There’s a strange phase variance in the radiation stream. We’ll have to wait until the probe exits.” Episode 6 (another wormhole?!) www.chakoteya.net/Voyager/106.htm
- Submitted 5 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 47 comments
- Comment on Favorite Star Trek filk songs 7 months ago:
- Comment on A "test" to judge Star Trek shows 7 months ago:
I love this! Now you need to do an analysis like this one on Star Trek and the Bechdel-Wallace test!
I realize you’re not trying to predict quality, just personal enjoyability, but I do wonder how it relates to quality.
I actually think it might be slightly more predictive of the quality of a show overall than of individual episodes. But both ST:TOS and ST:TNG have many great captain-centric episodes that I’m not sure if it is predictive of episode quality particularly.
- Submitted 8 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 6 comments
- Comment on Searching for the "most representative" Star Trek episode 9 months ago:
I think I’d suggest a planet-of-the-week episode. From TOS, “This Side of Paradise” or “A Taste of Armageddon.” From TNG, maybe “Who Watches the Watchers” or “Up the Long Ladder.”
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight" 1 year ago:
I felt like Freeman included Rutherford because his “gee whiz! lookee there!” naïveté added to her cover.