- Comment on Some guy complained this fishing game only caters to queer players, so the dev added a "straight" title - it costs $9999 3 months ago:
The game is Webfishing. webfishing.net
- Comment on Has there been a depiction of fast food on a space station? 6 months ago:
Star Trek still has traditionalists and hobbyists that prepare food without replicators. Sisko’s father famously ran a Cajun restaurant in New Orleans. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone ran a fast food burger shop because “the fries just don’t crunch the same from a replicator” or something.
It also would be possible to have something like a drive-through replicator shop, which would be like fast food.
There are a few restaurants mentioned on the wiki, but they don’t distinguish between traditional preparation and replicator food (it includes Quark’s on the list). None of them look like fast food though. memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Restaurant
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
Sometimes you’re just not very hungry.
- Comment on Final StarTrek Canvas space 1 year ago:
Much fun, thanks for starting it! I doubt I would’ve added much if you hadn’t opened with the delta.
- Comment on Star Trek presence on Canvas growing! 1 year ago:
This is the reference I was using for the Constitution class, feel free to add to it or make changes: canvas.toast.ooo/#x=104&y=593&scale=5.27&template…
If it’s not giving you a full URL to share for your own references, you can also just share the coordinates + image itself. For example mine is cdn.dribbble.com/users/7549/…/pixel-nc1701.png at coords (36,551) and width of 100.