- Comment on Who's fastest, Sonic or The Flash? 1 week ago:
Both can go faster than light and “therefore” break through dimensional thresholds or go backwards in time; at that point actual measurement is kinda pointless. However, Flash is bound to the Speedforce (of whatever dimension/timeline/etc he’s in) and when that’s shared with any other speedsters, he becomes less capable. Sonic does not seem to share this “weakness” therefore would be considered faster.
This is the same argument for why Superman is actually faster than Flash, too. And ignores the use of chaos emeralds.
- Comment on Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions 5 weeks ago:
I’m not visually impaired, I just let the phone read blocks of text to me while I keep scrolling / looking at other things. I am using the Eternity app and Android’s built in “select to speak” TTS feature.
- Comment on Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions 5 weeks ago:
… I use TTS at a pretty fast rate, and instead of “…will be amazing for fan and indie games,” I heard, “…will be amazing for profanity games.”