- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
Steam, I can install the Steam client without any problems on moat distros, also Valve has done a lot of things to make the Linux gaming better.
Gog doesn’t have a desktop app for Linux, they’re focused totally Windows so I don’t care about it.
If I want “DRM free” games, then I pay for the original version with DRM and then pirate it to play whenever I want.
- Comment on The Minecraft wiki has been moved from Fandom to 1 year ago:
I have been using it a lot lately, I did not know about that thanks to Firefox + Ublock
- Comment on would would the average skin tone and facial features after 300 years? 1 year ago:
Idk, but I’m sure that in at least 200 years genetical modifications will be accessible if everything goes fine. Probably it will apply to skin tone and facial features and there could be a strange variety of new colors or most people would pick whatever is considered ‘the best looking’ features in 300 years.
tbh the idea of having the choice of changing genetics sounds good, but it’s impossible to know what will happen in 300 years.
At least that is what I think possible in the next 300 years.