- Comment on What happens when I ignore the cookie preference dialogue on websites? 5 days ago:
Try Consent-O-Matic if you’re tired of doing it manually for each website
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 4 weeks ago:
North American driving culture sucks. For the past 70 years cars have dominated at the expense of all other modes of travel. They’re deeply embedded into our culture, infrastructure, planning processes, transportation engineering, and daily lives. They have become synonymous with freedom of movement for a lot of people who can’t imagine any different way to get around. Speed limits and enforcement in their minds are seen as an infringement on their rights. It will be a long and uncertain process to enact change, ripe for disruption and setbacks, but with the internet showing how things are in the rest of the world, some people are waking up to what’s possible when you aren’t dependent on cars to get around safely and reliably.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 4 weeks ago:
Canada too. Sometimes it seems like the speed “limit” is actually the minimum most people are expected to go (if possible) on Ontario’s highways, especially the busiest ones. Enforcement is almost entirely done manually and barely exists, if it’s being done at all.
A lot of roads and highways are very over-engineered here with wide & forgiving lanes, with broad shoulders at the side. The actual speeds that can be accommodated in the design are far greater than the posted limit.
- Comment on PS5's 'Resume Activity' Feature Apparently Gone for Good - PlayStation LifeStyle 4 months ago:
It would not surprise me if game developers use those screens to gain more time to load assets and initialize things in the background.
I’ll bet they do that with cutscenes and elevators too whenever you’re about to go into a new zone.
- Comment on Have had my LinkedIn Profile Deactivated for over a year now, yet still reciving emails from LinkedIn... 6 months ago:
This is why I use an email aliasing service now. Every new site gets a different email address but they all get forwarded to the same account. If one ever misbehaves, their associated email address alias gets deactivated. It’s great to keep track of who’s selling addresses too.
Sometimes unsubscribe just isn’t good enough.