- Comment on Golden 7 months ago:
A field that definitely has a problem with replication is Computer Human Interaction. There are a lot of user studies in that field and you basically never see a study done twice. The setup of the studies usually doesn’t even allow it to be repeated as it hinges on some proprietary software written for that very study that is not released to the public.
- Comment on Golden 7 months ago:
I see the same issues also in computer science especially when looking into recent trends such as AI or blockchain/NFTs before that. There are definitely areas that are more rigorous than others but the replication crisis is a problem in many many scientific fields. If your results are not completely outlandish and don’t go against the vibe, no one will ever bother to check your results.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Stardew Valley 8 months ago:
At least on Android, there is a save function in the menu. Doesn’t that exist on Desktop as well?
- Comment on When did a movie misrepresent the country or city you live in? 8 months ago:
A-Team the movie is bad in many aspects but what really sticks out for Germans is that while the movie played in Frankfurt (and was shot in Vancouver), they showed aerial shots from Cologne? Which is especially weird because I don’t think aerial shots of Frankfurt should be hard to come by (they are used extensively in Arrow for example) and Cologne is probably one of the most recognizable cities in Germany
- Comment on Futuristic movies timeline 8 months ago:
It’s frustrating that the only thing unrealistic about this episode is that a riot would actually change anything
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
Yeah, it’s an important skill to both be able to communicate your achievements and to be able to interpret achievements of others correctly (i.e. be able to see through their bs) in any job setting.
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
Most science can’t be done on a basic income, you need funds to buy equipment, to operate equipment, and maintain equipment. Most science also can’t be done alone. You have to be able to sell others on your ideas, in any economical system that is not post-scarcity.