- Comment on Life saving hurricane info locked behind a paywall 4 months ago:
If you click on the graph, it’ll turn into a data table showing ~48 hours worth of information. Is that what you’re looking for?
- Comment on Anon boots up a game 5 months ago:
Actually, this isn’t the worst idea. It can be hard to tell what kind of input device the player’s using, especially on PC. Are you using kb+m, xbox controller, psx controller, generic bargain bin controller, etc? You can’t just assume that because a controller’s connected the player is going to use it (and lots of games do… much to my dismay since they make me go disconnect the controller). Once the player presses at least one button you can tailor all the inputs to that thing.
- Comment on Anon starts a Youtube 10 months ago:
Some of that is content categorization in the eyes of the all-seeing algorithm. Let’s say you upload a type of content “A” that gets big views but you’ve been uploading a type of content “B” that gets small views for a while. The youtube algorithm will aggressively try to grow content A and massively deprioritize content B, even among other channels that produce content B.
A guy I know who does youtube/twitch had to create a second channel for his content B because it would get sub-1k views when he would get tens of thousands of views on his content A. Just by uploading somewhere else he started to get higher view counts.
Exactly why that happens isn’t known, but a common theory is that youtube wants to push what it knows works. They have no real reason to give your content B a chance because they know content A will sell. And they do this even though this outcome was the result of a feedback loop.
- Comment on Anon has memory loss 1 year ago:
This is an old greentext from before the “AI boom” so it’s almost certainly not written by an AI. It switches from girlfriend to wife because the story is fake.
- Comment on "Hey Google, find the nearest Burger King" - "Sure, here is one on the other side of the globe!" 1 year ago:
Oops. Good to know… I guess the main thing was simply that there was a BK in the right place relative to the 9792 km arc then.
- Comment on "Hey Google, find the nearest Burger King" - "Sure, here is one on the other side of the globe!" 1 year ago:
This might be a stretch but McD can be franchised. If one franchisee pays top dollar for ad placement and other nearby franchises don’t, it would be profitable for them to send you to that franchisee even if it’s further.
…that being said I’m probably reading too much into it. Probably just your usual Google jank.
- Comment on "Hey Google, find the nearest Burger King" - "Sure, here is one on the other side of the globe!" 1 year ago:
I’m not the person who found that, but this is similar to the game Geoguessr. We have three useful data points: you are 2.6 km from Burger King in Italy, that BK is on a street called "Via " and you are 9792 km from Burger King in Malaysia.
- The upper BK in Malaysia is not censored, so we have its exact location.
- Find a place in Italy that is 9792 km away using the Measure Distance tool on something like Google Maps.
- Even though there are potentially multiple valid locations in Italy, we know you’re within 2.6 km of another BK. Florence is sensible because there are BKs near the 9792 km mark.
- Once we do that, we can find a spot that is both 9792 km from Malaysia BK and 2.6 km from a nearby BK on a street called “Via”, effectively finding where the image was taken.
It’s not perfect but it works well! This is the principle by how your GPS works, it’s called triangulation. We only had distance to two points and one of them doesn’t tell us the sub-kilometer distance. If we had distance to three points, we could find your EXACT location, within some error depending on how detailed the distance information was.