- Comment on Looking for 4K bluray recommendations 1 month ago:
Mad Max Fury Road is the way to go.
- Comment on EXCLUSIVE: Refuse Films announces the Blu-ray debut of Trey Parker’s Cannibal! The Musical! & the TromArchive Collection! 5 months ago:
Well, that was an immediate purchase.
- Comment on Marvel Vs Capcom Collection 8 months ago:
Yep I’m in for this one
I already have M vs C 2 for my Dreamcast (both Japanese and US versions) and I bought the 1up cabinet with almost all the games in this collection on it.
But I’m still in for this collection to have a much easier way to play these games whenever I want. These bring back VERY fond memories of my arcade days.
- Comment on Severin has a new killer box set 11 months ago:
A+ title for this set.
- Comment on [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on your deck? - December 2023 1 year ago:
I’ve been racking up Scouts memories to play through after I’m done with the story.
I think I’m about 1/2 through the final chapter right now, so I should be getting over to Scout shortly.
- Comment on [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on your deck? - December 2023 1 year ago:
I’ve been playing Murder by Numbers. I actually like it more on my deck than on my PC, as I like the controller interface better than with a mouse.
- Comment on Are shops in the US usually this run down looking? 1 year ago:
This is what every Meijer I’ve been to looks like. Yes, this is a Meijer, not Walmart.
Actually looks pretty clean to me. The ceiling having nothing but beams is pretty standard issue.
- Comment on They Live - 1988 - Starring Roddy Piper, Keith David and Meg Foster. Written and directed by John Carpenter. 1 year ago:
Saw this in the theater a few weeks back for the Fathom anniversary event.
Still excellent and unfortunately, still hits pretty close on its message about consumerism and control.
RIP Roddy. You are missed. What an entertainer.
- Comment on Darkman: Revisiting Sam Raimi's cult superhero movie 1 year ago:
This movie rules. Excellent special effects, Sam Raimi doing his thing, the score, all of it.
The sequels…not so good.
- Comment on **STRAYS Discussion Megapost** 2023-08-18 🐶🐶 1 year ago:
Why not both Wills?
Will Forte is in this as a human.
- Comment on **TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM** Discussion Megapost 2023-08-02 🐢🥷 1 year ago:
Just back from seeing it and thought it was excellent. Super entertaining, and really dig the art style.
- Comment on **TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM** Discussion Megapost 2023-08-02 🐢🥷 1 year ago:
Eagerly awaiting the early showing on 7/31. This looks like a blast and seeing so many positive reviews already is awesome.