- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 5x01 "Dos Cerritos" & 5x02 "Shades of Green" 4 months ago:
As a fan of mysteries, my mind tends to clasp onto details that writers felt important enough to mention, but had no bearing on the plot up to this point.
The fact that the ship Tendi recovered was a “medical frigate” triggered such an alarm in my head. Yes the ship was able to gas the Blue Orions, but that’s hardly a feature unique to medical ships.
We Know:
- Tendi wants to come back to help raise her niece.
- Tendi wants to be a captain
- The finale is going to have some tear jerking moments
- This is the last season.
I think we’re being prepped for the main cast to go their separate ways, not unlike the DS9 finale.
We’ve had some foreshadowing with Freeman and Starbase 80. I wonder if the finale might end with her being posted there, as an admiral. Fix it up, that sort of thing, rather than an exile.
- Comment on Vice Press to Release Star Trek: Lower Decks Fine Art Posters 4 months ago:
I really want the S5 set, and the S1 poster.
Not really sold on a full set at the moment.
- Comment on Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Begins Production on Season 1 6 months ago:
If we go by the gap between Strange New Worlds beginning filming, and S1’s release, we could see Academy around November of next year.
- Comment on [Prodigy spoilers] 30 Years Later, Star Trek Finally Pays Off Its Strangest Sci-Fi Twist 7 months ago:
Dude, you’re missing out then. I was dubious going in, but Time Lord Wesley was the absolute delight I didn’t know I needed. Wheaton’s performance was probably leagues better than in TNG.
- Comment on Paul Giamatti Boards ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ 8 months ago:
Not impossible. Freeman was effectively the villain for S1 of Lower Decks, despite clearly being one of the good guys.
And Prodigy demonstrates how a personal vendetta can net some kids a nemesis, despite largely minding their own business.
- Comment on Preview ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 5 Premiere With New “Red Directive” & “Under The Twin Moons” Images 11 months ago:
They’re all beautiful shots, but something about them doesn’t leave me curious about their contexts. I wish I could articulate it better….
Like maybe it’s not enough of a tease?
Or maybe that you could’ve told me most of those shots were from S4 and I wouldn’t question it?
Or the lack of a contextual caption maybe?
- Comment on The Future of ‘Star Trek’: From ‘Starfleet Academy’ to New Movies and Michelle Yeoh, How the 58-Year-Old Franchise Is Planning for the Next Generation of Fans 11 months ago:
Maybe maybe not? At the very least least it tells us where Carl dropped Georgiou off.
- Comment on Breaking - Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 Is Out Now In France! – Trek Central 11 months ago:
I would recommend two pins.
One being the season one you’re proposing… and a second for a focal episode to discuss and cycle it out every two days.
So for the first two days we’d focus on the first episode (episodes? It’s a two parter) then the pin would be swapped with the next episode.
This would allow more in depth discussion while acknowledging binge watching.
- Comment on Paramount Has A Plan To Bring Star Trek Back To The Big Screen, Says Roddenberry Entertainment Exec 11 months ago:
McMahan has previously tried to garner support for a LD movie, live action at that, but there’s nothing to suggest that it’s been greenlit. If anything, we may have gotten LD S5 instead.
- Comment on Paramount Has A Plan To Bring Star Trek Back To The Big Screen, Says Roddenberry Entertainment Exec 11 months ago:
“There’s every intent of a new movie coming out in the very near future”
I’m reading this to mean that the S31 movie is coming out sometime this summer. Between Discovery and Lower Decks. After October or so doesn’t sound ‘very neat future’ to me.
I’m also not reading much into the ‘trying to figure out’ how to get the movies to the big screen. We know that S31 will be a P+ exclusive. Regardless of if it’s because of some preexisting contract with what was CBS All Access when the original project got green lit all those years ago or because S31’s lore leans too heavily on S1-3 Discovery to stand on its own, S31 was never going to be in major theaters.
The purported Picard, Kelvin 4, or even the pitched Lower Decks movies? Those are probably going to actually be in theaters.
- Comment on The Star Trek Universe Beams into WonderCon 2024 11 months ago:
Programming to feature Star Trek: Discovery’s fifth season premiere and Star Trek: Strange New World’s musical episode sing-along!
Wondercon is March 29th through the 31st.
TBH, it feels a little barebones…. But with Picard finished, Academy in very early development, Prodigy out of Paramount’s hands, and Lower Decks expected for late 2024… there really isn’t much else they can bring to the plate, aside from maybe the S31 movie.
- Comment on Interview: Wilson Cruz On Dr. Culber’s Arc In ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 5 And Who Is Chief Medical Officer 11 months ago:
I enjoyed this interview. We learn that there’s some things even he doesn’t know, and also questioned, some behind the scenes head cannoning, and enough bait to keep us questioning what’ll happen, but not enough to spoil anything of substance.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Cast Pitch Musical Episode And Another ‘Strange New Worlds’ Crossover 11 months ago:
Now this. THIS is an interview. A lot of fun ideas, stealing props, and just good natured nonsense.
- Comment on Long Lost Star Trek: The Next Generation Captain's Chair Will No Longer Go Up For Auction 11 months ago:
Through a valued partnership between Propstore Ltd. and CBS Studios Inc., an amicable agreement among all parties involved has been reached to restore Captain Jean-Luc Picard’s iconic Star Trek: The Next Generation captain’s chair to the Star Trek Archive,” a statement on Propstore’s website now reads. “The chair will be preserved as a piece of science fiction history. While the whereabouts of the chair had been unknown for three decades, the Star Trek Archive is currently working on plans to showcase it for Star Trek fans to see firsthand in the coming year.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I had the Starfleet Academy game… waaaaay ahead of its time… as in the hardware really couldn’t handle 3D combat.
- Comment on Melissa Navia Talks “Incredible Things” For ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Season 3 11 months ago:
I wish the actors were cleared to reveal little things… otherwise these interviews are just barely interactive NDAs.
- Comment on Stream Star Trek Prodigy, Now on Netflix! 1 year ago:
Damn! It’s Aaron Waltke himself! Will do my part good sir! 🫡
- Comment on Think I worked out why I enjoyed Prodigy season 1 1 year ago:
The narrative problem with the kids arriving in Federation territory in a stolen ship was that the Protostar would be impounded and the kids would be sent packing.
They needed a narrative reason to give the kids a chance to command the Protostar and have their own adventures, which means dragging out returning it to Starfleet. But rather than resorting to stalling tactics, they opted to have the kids fight to keep it out of their hands, and for good reason.
With Picard and Discovery, I felt more like that trope was used because the writers had no better ideas on how to keep the stakes high.
With Prodigy, I felt that the stakes were made essential to its premise.
- Comment on Think I worked out why I enjoyed Prodigy season 1 1 year ago:
In Prodigy’s defense, they waited the equivalent of two seasons to play that card, and the execution was IMO, better than what we saw in Picard and Discovery.
- Comment on Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge 1 year ago:
Inertial Dampeners failing means the ship can no longer remain at warp. (Ship would be fine, the meat bags of mostly water would not) Trek is usually pretty consistent about that part.
- Comment on Your First Look at the Star Trek: Lower Decks - U.S.S. Cerritos Crew Handbook 1 year ago:
The handbook covers a lot of essential ground for new crewmembers ranging from the senior crew, the different divisions and shifts, tech, guide to other species, as well as different scenarios laid out by Badgey. What was your favorite part to tackle?
Chris Farnell: So many candidates here. Shaxs’ “W.O.R.F.” method, the poolside rules for Cetacean Ops, and the (not entirely reliable) history of ships to bear the name “Cerritos.” Like any sensible person given access to a starship, my first question was “What can I get away with?” and the answer was "A frightening amount”
I had already preordered this months ago. And I have less than no regrets.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Creator Breaks Down That Epic Season 4 Finale, Surprise Cameos, and More 1 year ago:
Hmm… Lower Decks tends to deal as reverently to Trek stars as it does one time TNG minor characters.
For a minor character cameo… I think I’d like to see one of the TNG S1 chief engineers. I bet they have a story to tell about working on the Enterprise then.
For a major character cameo… how about Chakotay? I’d like to see the Protostar prior to its launch and tie forward instead of backwards.
- Comment on Season 1 of Star Trek: Prodigy to Stream on Netflix on December 25 1 year ago:
Glad to see this show sprouting on another platform. Easily the most underrated Trek of the new era.
- Comment on Paramount+ confirms series order for 'Starfleet Academy' 1 year ago:
And more importantly, Boothby.
- Comment on New Images and Preview Clip from This Thursday’s Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Finale 1 year ago:
I wonder why they bothered to include two bridge shots.
- Submitted 1 year ago to startrek@startrek.website | 7 comments
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight" 1 year ago:
But the mystery ship is already built… implying they’ve had him for quite a while now. Why search for something they already have?
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight" 1 year ago:
Hmm… according to Freeman’s intel… the Mystery ship was seeking out Lorcano… but as far as I can tell… he’s the mastermind.
Why would he want to find himself?
- Comment on Aw sweet! The Cerritos made it into the ships of the line! 1 year ago:
My problem with ship designs in general, canon and not, is that they all tend to be so flat. Like… vertically speaking. Flat.
- Submitted 1 year ago to startrek@startrek.website | 7 comments