- Comment on How do we know this is actually Earth, and not just some torture chamber in Hell and we are just being punished? 2 weeks ago:
The absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence
Actually, Stacy, that’s exactly what it is
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 2 months ago:
our spelling isn’t stupid, it’s just what you get when you mix latin with germanic and pepper in minor influences from a dozen other language families.
I’m sure in a few more centuries, ryme and tyme will have convergently evolved to become false cognates.
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
Just a reminder: Animal Agriculture is the leading cause of Zoonoses (PDF: The infectious disease trap of animal agriculture)
Eat a plant based diet to limit pandemics!
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
If you think not having sex is so terrible it’s basically torture, the problem isn’t that you haven’t had sex. It really isn’t that great, and you need to stop idolizing these things
What you’re actually missing, and misinterpreting as “sex will fix me” is genuine human connection, and that is a skill that takes a loooot of practice, mistakes, heartache, and even at times, being “cringe.”
But it’s easier to think that sex is some magical experience that a secret organization is denying you.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
That’s a very complex question with many, many answers. No individual life can be boiled down to a single phenomenon. A lot of the answers I’m seeing in here are great, ans definitely describe a phenomenon at play, but it’s important to remember that nobody’s just outright stupid enough to fall for a single piece of rhetoric. Instead, them coming into bigotry is the result of a complex web of ideas that brought them to that conclusion.
That being said, I’ll add my two cents that I don’t see anyone saying: privilege. Privilege insulates people from how cold and cruel the world can be; in doing so, they don’t learn the comraderie that grows out of shared hardship (aka empathy). They see others experiencing it, and assume they are weak, both for “allowing themselves” to fall into hardship, as well as for “getting conned” by others who have fallen on hardship. This too adds fuel to the fire that is all the other reasons people get pulled into hateful ideologies.
Imagine being excluded from some perceived secret club based on conditions you didn’t have a choice in, and seeing women or bipoc or lgbt or the working class supporting each other. You too would feel resentment towards those who won’t include you in their circles. Yet you never developed the proper understanding of the ties that bind them, so you only see it as hate towards you and your demographic; this then becomes a feedback loop: your hate hurts thode communities, making them even more interdependent on each other, making you more resentful and frustrated.
You fall in with people you don’t really like because of a shared disdain for The Others, and then, because that’s your only lived experience, assume all identity-based comraderie is necessarily just a loose collective of people that only get along because of a common enemy. This reinforces your belief that The Others hate you, only adding fuel to the fire of your own hate.
This is also why these people are so easily manipulated: all you have to do is control their perception of who hates them, and they’ll do whatever you say to make it stop. This is why politics and religion are such great examples, and no “side” is immune. Want to make a leftist out of a fascist? Convince them that The Jews are actually just the bourgeoisie, who must be killed for the good of ourselves and our nation. An anarchist who fears authoritarians will readily agree to being a part of an exclusive coalition of individuals that determines the way society is structured, so, y’know, the authoritarians don’t get their way.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Correction: you don’t work around dangerous things assuming you’ll make a mistake long
- Comment on This will be YouTube in 2025 8 months ago:
In the year 2025
if man is still alive
if woman can survive… - Comment on 25 years ago, Mad TV was shitting on Steven Seagal before shitting on Steven Seagal was cool 9 months ago:
Sorry for seeing some media and commenting about the similarities between it and situations I’ve experienced firsthand in my offline life
Now for another observation you won’t like: this type of person is not representative of the entire country, and it’s weird that you jumped to that conclusion
- Comment on 25 years ago, Mad TV was shitting on Steven Seagal before shitting on Steven Seagal was cool 9 months ago:
If this isn’t an accurate representation of a large portion of Americans.
They see themselves as the badass hero stopping The Scum from fucking up everything around them, when really it’s just these guys fucking up everything around them in their thirst for vigilante justice.
- Comment on On special today - Weiner Snipple 11 months ago:
thanks for the red circle, otherwise i’d be illiterate and unable to see the only thing in the foreground
- Comment on Google search has gotten worse through the years and it only still exists because its a monopoly 3 years ago:
I just recently started noticing a new brand of SEO that keeps plaguing my search results at work (I avoid Google at home):
Anytime I search for answers to a question all the top results are these sites that are visually plain, written at a low level of reading comprehension (in very basic english), divided into sections that are one or two paragraphs each headed with a similar question to the one I searched. Sometimes there is a list of all the questions somewhere on the page, sometimes the answers are helpful, and it's usually the article that Google has pulled for the "Featured Snippet" or the "People Also Ask" questions.
Technically they do answer my questions, but I took notice because it feels so much like a page engineered for page views that it feels wrong and I like to verify sources before just accepting some random answer that "The Internet" gave me.