- Comment on Humanity and AI, a match made in the 9th circle of hell 9 months ago:
Come on, they even missed their chance to call it CreateHentAI!
- Comment on Lightning bugs 9 months ago:
I haven't seen any of these bad boys in probably over a decade. They used to be all over the place.
- Comment on Annoyingly similar buttons with very different functions 10 months ago:
Samsung's watch application did this pretty well, where you don't even have a reset count button until you press the button that stops the stopwatch from counting.
- Comment on Why do we have to do the health insurance company's job for them? 10 months ago:
I'd assume we'd see insurance invest money into making offers to providers. They'd refer the patient to a health insurance company instead of negotiating, and in exchange they'd get a large one time payout for a successful referral. This would please investors in the providers, because they'd see short term gains, and it'd please the insurance company because patients would be forced to have insurance again. Everyone (with money) wins!