- Comment on How many floors are under an apartment on the second floor? (No basement) 10 months ago:
It would be more complex if the US didn’t believe in 13th floor story and UK did. Even though both would have 14th floor on the same level from the ground, there is a lot that would be missed if you only elevated straight from the parking basement to your 14th floor.
- Comment on The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance 1 year ago:
Sadly, yes. One would hope the more core sectors use it, the more the general population would use such tools. But alas!
- Comment on The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance 1 year ago:
Cold plain metrics can easily hide social complexity.
Assume 10 investigative journalists use modded privacy-friendly Firefox for year long investigation. Then their report is read by 10 million average news reader on stock browsers like Chrome. Network logics tell us that Firefox browser has asymmetrical value in the ecosystem than plain usage metrics can ever reveal.
The obsession with numbers (the more the better) is a major blinding effects in societies driven by hierarchical cultures.
- Comment on Suicide hotline shares data with for profit company 3 years ago:
And when you drill down to their so called value proposition, it is apparently to help human empathy
. That wordscale
lies at the heart of almost all immoral business practices. It is a alter for "how do we spend as little input as possible to get as much as possible".