- Comment on Using This iPod For 30 Days Changed My Life 7 months ago:
Even within those services you could also just have an actual library that functions the same way as an iPod. You can create playlists or just play your entire library if that’s what you want. There is no need to interact with any algorithm in order to use these services.
- Comment on 'War on Workers': Unions Denounce GOP Efforts to Undo Pro-Labor Biden Rules 7 months ago:
Taking away protections for people wanting to join/form unions may make it harder to make that decision, and we should fight against those trying to remove those protections, but let’s not forget that they can’t take away the power that a unified workforce has. If every worker at Amazon decided that they were all going to stop doing their jobs at the same time and demand better working conditions it doesn’t matter what Congress says, it’s a matter of business for Amazon. Even if Amazon technically has the right to fire everyone because of the shitheads in Congress taking away all protection for unions, it is simply not a wise financial decision to try to rehire an entire workforce and train them all at the same time without anyone left to do the training, all while not making any money during this time and making their customers mad. It is much easier to just give some concessions and improve the working conditions to get their current workforce to come back. Of course this is an extreme example but it doesn’t take literally the entire workforce doing this to functionally cripple a company. And of course the demands can’t be so unreasonable that the company is unable to provide them. But this IS possible to achieve in reality. It takes a large group of people working together for the benefit of everyone but it is absolutely possible, even without protections which didn’t always exist by the way. So even if those protections go away temporarily, don’t give up on the idea of unions. That is what they really want. Fight for fair working conditions. And fight to elect politicians who will put in place/keep protections for unions. Don’t give up because that’s the only way that they win. Even a king has no power if his subjects refuse to kneel.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
As someone that has used ad blockers for just about as long as I have been able to, I would like to think that this is true. However, I’m not entirely sure that it is. I’ve heard that a surprising percentage of people just don’t even know that ad blockers exist. If that’s the case then they may be very well aware of what is happening. (Using made up numbers for the sake of argument since I don’t have real numbers) Like if only 5% of users use ad blockers and doubling the number of ads they show only brings that to 10% then it is certainly worth it financially. I doubt that if you were to graph that curve it would be linear - there is certainly a point where you inundate users with so many ads that even non-technical people will start learning about ad blockers. Regardless of what the real numbers are, I would be very surprised if they are making decisions this big without at least being aware of what those numbers might be. And if they can make a small amount of money indefinitely but they have evidence to suggest that they can make even more money also indefinitely then the financial motivation is obvious. Not all infinities are the same size.