- Comment on Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour 8 months ago:
I’m waiting for the math… Support your claim that you would “make a killing”.
I don’t see how you would…
The most you could possibly make would be $32.50 in an hour… (and that’s ONLY if you had a fare for ALL 60 minutes of an hour… and somehow still made less than $32.50 from those fares).
…And you’d be driving your own car and burning gas for that whole hour…
So show me (with math) how you’d be “making a killing”.
- Comment on Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour 8 months ago:
The central feature of their business IS having drivers WAITING when a ride is requested.
So yes - it would be fair if they included some “waiting time” for each ride (maybe up to 15 minutes of actual waiting time).
These apps ONLY have value if there are drivers WAITING when a ride is requested.
- Comment on Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour 8 months ago:
Give me the math of how this new wage would help you “make a killing”.
And before you say “I’ll just maximize the minutes when I have a customer in the vehicle”…
this wage wouldn’t kick-in for that scenario…
…it merely sets a floor for those specific-minutes when you have a fare.
- (And brother - driving for uber is not “running your own business”… it’s being maximally-exploited by a business… with no liability-protection, no security, and almost zero rights.)
- Comment on Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour 8 months ago:
If you wait 10 minutes for a fare… give a 20-minute ride to some suburban house… and then drive 20 minutes back to the city…
your pay would be $10.83 (with this new deal).
…that’s very different from $32.50 per hour.
Does an airline baggage-handler only get paid for the “specific minutes” when he is lifting luggage?
Does a cashier only get paid for “specific minutes” when there are customers in her line?
The original goal of this lawsuit was to classify drivers as employees under state law…
And that goal was ignored completely.
- Comment on Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour 8 months ago:
It’s not as much as it seems…
The wage is only “for time spent traveling to pick up riders, and transporting them to their destination”.
No pay for driving back to the pickup area.
No pay for waiting when there are no fares.
It’s a per-minute wage, and only for certain minutes.
- Comment on What's the best thing about Lemmy? 3 years ago:
You all made great comments - honest and original. I guess that's what I love.
Upvotes for everyone.