- Comment on How to Set Up Your Online Identity on Keyoxide: A Simple Guide 2 days ago:
PGP keys gain trust the longer they’re used. But the likely-hood that they’ve been compromised also increases with time. I wouldn’t say they get “less secure” with time. Also, you can very easily create a new identity under the same PGP key, and revoke a previous identity. Additionally, you can certify other’s keys by signing it with your own, increasing the WOT (web of trust) with the key–asserting that the key does in fact belong to the correct person.
The keys are a bit more dynamic than you’re giving them credit for.
There’s also F/OSS which has been designed to alieviate some of the usability issues with PGP keys, mainly Keybase.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 6 days ago:
Bulk honey is significantly less expensive if you buy direct from an apiary, and in bulk. It never expires (but can go bad! you still have to store it properly) and will last longer than you if you treat it good.
Go for it. The price of honey is bound to just go up.
- Comment on When this post is 3 hours old, lemm.ee will go offline for some brief database maintenance 1 week ago:
3 hours old Update: maintenance complete! posted 1 hour ago
Alert the Church, we got a time traveler! /s
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Literally anytime. Day or night. You just give me a call and I’ll put things into perspective for you because I know you have a difficulty doing it yourself.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
- Go to place where people express ideas and opinions
- Become offended by those ideas and opinions
- Spread rhetoric against those popular ideas and opinions
- Become even more offended because people don’t agree with my ideas or opinions
- Pretend I’m a cyber warrior fighting it back against some amorphous oppressive regime with “radical ideas and opinions” that differ from my own
- Get absolutely downvoted to Oblivion
- Cry and pee pants
- Make post about how place where people express ideas and opinions aren’t the same ideas and opinions that I have and I’m mad about it
- Cry some more in the comments about how everyone’s a big ol’ meanie for not agreeing with my ideals and opinions
- Rinse and repeat
- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 4 weeks ago:
Because developers use cross-compilable languages to pump out Windows executables without knowing or understanding or caring about the Windows environment.
- Comment on How realistic is the threat of the government remotely manipulating digital devices you own and planting evidence? 4 weeks ago:
If the government scrubs my devices for evidence they’re going to find a hell of a lot more than some fabricated antifa PDF. Lol
It’s all perfectly legal to have but still. They would have absolutely no problem framing me with terrorism. Lol
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 4 weeks ago:
No actual professional company or job of value is not going to check your curriculum or your work history… So like sure you may get that job at quality inn as a night manager making $12 an hour because they didn’t fucking bother to check your resume…
But you’re not getting some CS job making $120,000 a year because they didn’t check your previous employer. Lol
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 4 weeks ago:
pay for school do anything to avoid actually learning
Why tho?