- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
Your experience/statistic there is very different from my experience. It definitely depends where you are and how high-end the place is.
Place I work now, most tips are cash, by a substantial margin. Even when paying with card about half of our customers tip cash, and most transactions at this place are cash anyway. Places I worked previously were like a 50/50 split if people paid more often with cash or card, and again about a quarter of people paying card still tip cash.
Maybe because this is a low cost of living area, and everyone knows moving claims cash tips, maybe because it’s all small town stuff, idk.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
Most people who work the service industry don’t claim cash tips, but credit tips are required to be claimed due to the whole being electronic and traceable thing.
If, as a service person, most or all tips are in cash, you just claim whatever brings you to minimum wage for that pay period.
This is obviously heavily dependent upon where you work - some places want you to claim all tips (but you still don’t claim cash usually) others, especially if you make above min wage like most bartenders, don’t care.
However, if you don’t claim those tips you can’t use that as income when taking out loans and applying for housing and whatever else. So it’s fucks people over pretty regularly.
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago:
Can any of this be weaponized to protect a property?
Can any wireless be…? Ideally without frying anything locally like an EMP… “you mean an emp? No, and EMP!”
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago:
Carrier pidgins make an excellent bandwidth benchmark though.
Sneaker networks (flash drives stores in sneakers) are still some of the highest bandwidth out there.
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago:
I don’t know anything about it, so hopefully someone else has more experience, but I found this, so I assume the answer is yes.
- Comment on my version is better 5 weeks ago:
Honestly there’s a several weird pseudo-deep lyrics so… maybe but probably not on that one.
- Comment on Instant removal 5 weeks ago:
Hmm, would you consider this an iron overdose instead?
Requires medical attention and all ;)
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
Hahaha I had the same experience learning Russian. It’s so hard to find simple stuff like dick and Jane, but in another language.
Interestingly, comic books, especially those which have been translated into multiple languages (marvel, dc, etc) are almost easier. They usually have short, less-complicated sentences, and the context is pictorial. Plus it’s not boring af to read, which is ultra-helpful. Maybe that’s why people like manga and anime so much…? Idk.