- Comment on Depart, men of education. 4 days ago:
Anyone who says its all one side’s fault, is not being honest. Chill out.
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 4 days ago:
Well if you don’t like what’s happening… Before trump it was very extreme letting too many people in unobserved, and now we have it the other way. If the laws concerning immigration had just been respected in the first place, this probably wouldn’t be happening the way it is now.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 4 days ago:
Well, non-citizens aren’t protected under the first amendment. I agree though, he should be able to express his opinions without getting in trouble for it. But from the articles I read, it sounded like physical things happened at the protests. Maybe not from him specifically (I don’t know), but because he is not a citizen, he does not have all the same rights as a citizen. As it has been since before the current administration, if a non-citizen is suspected as a possible threat to the country based on speech alone, then the government deals with them, first by investigating the situation. The few articles I read were all general and not specific so I don’t know the full reason, or what he actually said at the protests. So I try not to make opinions on these things without plenty of info.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 5 days ago:
To start, he is not a US citizen. Yes, he is here legally. But when you are not a citizen, you have to be more careful what you say, this is how it’s been since way before Trump became president. You do not have all the same rights as a citizen, when you are not a citizen. I read a couple articles about him, but I am not aware of what all happened with the previous protests, sounds like others got in trouble as well.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 5 days ago:
Yeah, I’ll read it.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 6 days ago:
Guess I haven’t heard about that one.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 6 days ago:
Are you referring to illegal aliens?
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 6 days ago:
Protest for what? Not sure if you are referring to something in particular, or just in general.
The majority of people were tired of the democrats, and like what the republicans are doing. Under Biden for the past 4 years, I saw way more people who were democrat become republican, than I saw republicans become democrat.
I’ve seen one protest where I live, and there were maybe 30 people there.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 6 days ago:
Its all good, no biggie.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
You replied to me, so I assumed you were responding to me. And I guess I still haven’t seen another message that you would have been responding to. Just a mix up.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
A union getting rapists and murders off the hook is not what the image is about.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
I’m not talking about the history, I’m talking about the present. And I was really talking more about the comments I was seeing. People acting like unions are totally this, or totally that.
Besides, I’ve been in 3 unions. 2 of them were bad, the union workers didn’t do anything for the members, and were literally taking all the dues paid them and wasting on themselves, like expensive vacations and buying expensive things. Both eventually were shut down. The 3rd one was much better, but a negative result of the union was members who should have lost their jobs due to poor work, not only keep their jobs, but get promotions before people who actually deserve it.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
No idea what you are referring to.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
Why does everything have to be sooo left or right?
Some unions are good, some are bad.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
But it did, more than once. Its been years since it happened though. I cant remember the amount of OT I worked that caused it.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Well, it has happened more than once. Of course it would depend on the amount of overtime I worked. It probably happened if I only worked a little OT.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
I’ve had jobs (more than one), where working OT would result in my paycheck take home pay being less than if I had not worked the extra hours. And that’s because it moved me into the next bracket, and more taxes were taken out. So why waste my time working OT?
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
Not bad eh? j/k
As I said earlier, the abortion issue does not count, because it does not only involve the women, but also the baby. Therefore, regardless of anyone’s opinion on the subject, it is a completely different issue.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
Why, because you can’t provide an answer to my simple question?
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
At this point, I guess it’s hopeless. I’m not going to receive an answer to my very simple question. Instead, I’m just going to be called an idiot by people who can’t back up their claim.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
That, I think is a better explanation that the comment in the image.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
So you can’t give me one civil right that a man has, that a woman does not. Got it.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I’m not playing anything. Just asked an honest question, hoped for an honest answer. I guess no one has an answer though.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
My brain is starting to hurt.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I’m not going to debate abortion. Regardless of either sides position, abortion is a different topic, because it’s not just about the woman’s body, it’s also about the baby’s body.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I get the issues that some women get flack from others for being a woman in particular fields. But the US does have many women professors. The comment above the ad insinuates that the US doesn’t, and that the University of Finland is trying to capitalize on that. I still don’t get it.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
So, not one of those articles give me any examples of a civil right that a woman doesn’t have that a man has. As far as civil rights that women do not have (or are being taken away), all three articles only speak of abortions. Men already can’t have abortions.
So what civil right does a women not have, that a man does? Again, honest question.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I’m pretty sure there is not one single professor that is a Tesla, so I don’t know what that comment was about.
What civil right does a woman not have? Honest question.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I don’t get it. The US has many women professors, not just associate and assistant professors. The comment implies that Finland is saying the US is no longer having women as professors. What am I missing?
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I don’t get it. The US didn’t go and fire a bunch of women professors, we still have many women professors. The comment in the image makes no sense to me, its jumping.