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- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 5 weeks ago:
That happened years ago. Better search and more trustworthy sellers since products aren’t co-mingled. No way is some seller with years of positive reviews going to send you broken junk and not try to make it right.
- Comment on What game surprised you with their length? 1 month ago:
Wow did not know about that. Guess I’ll stick to KH1 and 2.
- Comment on What MMORPG are you playing, and why? 2 months ago:
Why do you need to wait for GW2 to get verified? I’ve been playing it on deck for over a year.
- Comment on What game surprised you with their length? 2 months ago:
And then Square repeated it with FFXV. Whole time I was like why do I care about this villain? Apparently you had to play some side game or read a story to understand why you were meant to care.