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- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 2 weeks ago:
First of all he wouldnt call a couple “mixed race” I supposse.
- Comment on The day Anon almost died 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, ill always stay only one room away from my 3y old taking a bath. Theyre kids, doing kids stuff. And thats often stupid and probably fatal
- Comment on a few centuries 5 months ago:
The German Federal Public Radio (Deutschland Funk) has a Radio Documentary Series, about particular historical Topics called “Der Rest ist Geschichte”. Mostly academic experts explain the topics from the academic view for “common” people. They made a interesting one about the History of the Knowledge about the climate crisis.
Aus der Dlf App | Der Rest ist Geschichte | Klima und Krise – Seit wann wir von der Erderwärmung wissen ……
Afaik there is no English version :<