- Comment on Resume help 1 month ago:
Any chance you could tell us what they are in a way that is educational and not shaming?
- Comment on Germ Blaster 2 months ago:
I’ve often noticed people leaving theirs outside the waste bin so others can reuse them. Reduce, reuse THEN recycle.
- Comment on Germ Blaster 2 months ago:
The writing was on the wall.
- Comment on Germ Blaster 2 months ago:
Every time I go, there’s at least one person.
- Comment on Damn, "Thoughts and Prayers!" 2 months ago:
You might be right. It’s easy shit to say when it’s just a name on a screen.
I really don’t care that he died, and it does seem like a net positive.
- Comment on Damn, "Thoughts and Prayers!" 2 months ago:
I wonder how much was really lost. What type of father do you think he would be? Loving? Empathetic? Caring? Supportive?
More likely he was a cunt who was probably never home.
Thoughts and prayers though.
- Comment on Damn, "Thoughts and Prayers!" 2 months ago:
And the thoughts?
- Comment on Smug Viruses 2 months ago:
Enough of your woke agenda. Keep politics out of science.
- Comment on billions & billions 2 months ago:
Yes and no. I get the point and do actually agree whole heartedly but I think it obscures the reality that we’ve been observing solar systems as they existed millions of years ago.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 2 months ago:
Isn’t the whole point of woodframe construction to use wood?
Europeans still have insulation in the wall cavity.
- Comment on Anon visits the Philippines 2 months ago:
Wait…the smallest size in US is larger than the largest size in Oz? That aligns perfectly with my world view for once.
- Comment on Anon visits the Philippines 2 months ago:
And you couldn’t ask them to take it away for some reason?
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 2 months ago:
Yeah…that was the end times.
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 2 months ago:
When is “back then” for you?
I played counter-strike during the beta days and team fortress when it was “classic” not “2”
I definitely had a handful of favourite servers (1-2 favourites, 2-3 backups) that I would play on and knew the regulars like an old country pub.
Now things are set up so that it’s almost impossible to develop relationships with random folks online. Not just matchmaking but also more closed-off (hard to discover) groups on Discord etc…
CS1.6 and TFC was the golden age of online gaming and it’s been downhill since then. Literally nothing has been improved upon and the community has become immeasurably more toxic.
We’ve lost IRC and dedicated servers and replaced it with matchmaking and Discord. Both objectively worse.
- Comment on Four Dead In Fire As Tesla Doors Fail To Open After Crash 3 months ago:
Thanks for the tip!
- Comment on Plans for the weekend 3 months ago:
No fair, you cheated.
- Comment on Plans for the weekend 3 months ago:
Unless you’re in my line of work. If I do it at the end of the week, there’s guaranteed to be an incident.
Can you guess what I do?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Exactly, bad PR.
Waste isn’t actually much of a problem - it’s just been portrayed as one.
- Comment on Four Dead In Fire As Tesla Doors Fail To Open After Crash 3 months ago:
I always tell passengers where the manual lever is, and where the break glass hammer is. What’s the point in having them if only 1 of you knows the location?
- Comment on Young Frankenstein is not available for streaming 3 months ago:
Well played
- Comment on Young Frankenstein is not available for streaming 3 months ago:
Funny how some poster got downvoted for this, yet you got upvoted for it in the same thread. People are fickle.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Funny how people think waste is why we don’t use nuclear power.
You noticed how we’re all fine breathing in poison and carcinogens? Still haven’t banned burning fossil fuels.
It’s a money problem and a PR problem
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
Maybe I’m misreading your tone, but I’m not trying to argue with you - I’m genuinely curious about this and if you have superior knowledge I’m open!
My understanding from a quick skim of Wikipedia citations suggests we understand what’s involved (particles and receptors) but the actual mechanism around encoding of signals seems to be theory.
We also can’t teach a computer to think, but we still have quite a good idea of how it works.
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
Science shit?
I dont know…but I wouldn’t say that’s a good reason to doubt it, for example I don’t know how they proved black holes exist but they seem pretty confident.
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
That’s how they kill the germs…very clever really.
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
Isn’t smell just particulate matter hitting receptors not dissimilar to how taste receptors send taste signals to the brain? I thought science had this stuff nailed down now?
- Comment on Fead 4 months ago:
You know, seeing you in the wild I think is kinda like seeing quicksand. Very rare, usually fatal, but if you live - probably a great story.
Let’s see if I get out alive.
- Comment on Ukraine graphics is crazy 4 months ago:
WTF is jock itch!?
- Comment on Ukraine graphics is crazy 4 months ago:
Have some respect. He had to get his pants on first.
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
Usual shit. One user got offended at the word ‘she’ another user got offended that someone was offended, and I got offended that the offended was starting a war of words when their name was DontStartWars.
Admin apparently decided this all needed to be removed so we could focus on the important issue at hand: memes.