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- Comment on Why is the US not considered a third world country? 7 months ago:
Personally, terms like ‘first world’ and ‘third world’ are pointless to me.
No country is without flaws, I’d say, because most countries are inhabited by people.
- Comment on The Boys — Season Four 7 months ago:
Also, the title of my post and the context of the community it’s posted in should be more than enough ‘warning’.
I’m not going to insult anyone’s intelligence by assuming otherwise.
- Comment on The Boys — Season Four 7 months ago:
He’s been teetering on the edge of insanity for a few seasons now. This hardly constitutes a spoiler.
- Comment on Is everyone so depressed now partially because modern science has probably proven there is no god / afterlife? 7 months ago:
…all forms of agency that I consider important have been stripped of me.
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 4 comments