- Comment on Here kitty kitty 6 months ago:
Yeah I actually agree with that as a basic underlying concept of what science does, but you have to stop and realize that we have more capabilities than just our ability to sense the physical world around us, hell the irony with science is we actually deal with many meta Concepts while actually performing Science it’s just since they are working with science no one really points them out and explains that literal rationality, reason, and thought are actually used to form meta concepts that we use all the time in order to figure things out in junction with our senses. Meta physics are simply Things we can not touch, but they clearpy have an observable effect, for example im forming a number of associations with in my mind forming a mental model of How philosophy and its essence is clearly at the core of science.
Philosophy is the art of figuring out how things work through meta concepts, a science is the art of figuring out how things work from a physical point of view by using ones senses in combination with Meta concepts, Be it simply tiing with with association, creating a mental mode of a Concept, etc.
You cant really compress These concepts into a Meme doesnt really work as a joke, or a critique. personal taste i supose.
- Comment on Anon is a cowboy 6 months ago:
Thinking? Obvously your giving yourself more credit then you deserver, partner!
- Comment on Here kitty kitty 6 months ago:
Philosphy literally gave birth to science. Obviously there something more to it. if anything we need something to blance out sciences Obsesion with materialism.
- Comment on dumbass 6 months ago:
Oblivion character.
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 6 months ago:
So? the fact the reasoning flows is not countered by an appeal to Authority.
- Comment on Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block M25 6 months ago:
Well yeah you expect the corporations and even legislators to prioritize the oil industry, but you need to realize that these entities operate on the economic and logistical Layers of Society Before anything else, They dont just exist to exist, there is a chain of cause and effect that enables such industries and organizational models to exist, and as the entire world has seen currency is not what it use to be, and i expect the microsoft and intel messes to only be the beganing, it seems to me that the particually the chains of economics and logistics are eroding.
If you dont know Microsofts security provider for their business brand of windows crippled a huge chunk of the world economy with a untested update, and intel produced a chip with a insane falure rate that cripled online stuff.
I bet if you look around with a critical eye i expect you will see a lot of shrinking standrds of living, currencies inflating, government intervention that seems more designed to realocate funds to the very people writing laws, everything good seemingly getting overflown with overly emotional raticals(be the left or right) the the very frameworks we see as normal and desired for literally upholding societies as a whole seem to be degrading.
And governments printing money will only make the disintegration move faster, forcing your workers to move faster will only make the disintegration move faster, Making people angery and emotional make the disintegration move faster.
really the only solution is a temporary one, and that allocating the management to Iether some Blockchain technology(which they wont do becuase such tech undermines all Legacy establishments.) dumb AIs, or a lobotomized true AI.
The reason its only tenperary is becuase much of how a government operates is subject to exponential growth over time, it simply gets to big to handle, to many numbers that need to be added just right to make the diffrence between another day or total collapse. AI would only expand that, who knows how much it would tho.
- Comment on Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block M25 7 months ago:
And why is that propaganda, do you really expect the age of fossil fuels to last indefinitely? just look up Oil reserve statistics.
- Comment on Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block M25 7 months ago:
oil reserves have been dropping for ages, They are Desprate to keep it flowing, they didnt have to protest at all, they just had to wait.