- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Heh. Accidents happen.
One thing I found a bit odd is that there didn’t seem to be a “report” button for communities. Did I miss something?
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
Yes. An advocate and ally of LGBTQ+ groups in definitely onside with Xi.
You fucking idiot.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
“Liberal” means “the left” almost exclusively in North America (specifically the USA and Canada). In most of the world the term “liberal” means what Americans call “libertarians” (read: capitalist assholes).
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
“No, you’re wrong, and should suffer for it”.
How very Abrahamic of you. Indeed if you didn’t continually and loudly bleat your politics from talk like this I’d assume you were a fundamentalist Christian.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
Liberals decisions are based on marginal benefit and rational decision making based on a combination of large and small scale unbiased data and historical outcomes.
[citation needed]
Liberals have their own idiotic biases and foolishness. Biases and foolishness that have led to the “disappearing” of many LGBTQ+ activists in China, incidentally, which is why so many such groups in China are distancing themselves from their western counterparts.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
WTF is “ammenmend” supposed to communicate? I have genuinely no idea what you’re on about.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
This would be your straw leftist, I assume? 'Cause I’ve never seen a single leftist anywhere who says that.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
I find it equal parts of entertaining and disturbing that you’re trying to drum up hatred just so you can feel less lonely. Here’s a genuine question, but don’t answer it. Well, don’t answer it to me (or anybody else here). Answer it for yourself.
Why are you so fucking dead set on hatred?
The answer to that question is for you and your therapist to work out. (If you don’t have a therapist FUCKING GET ONE STAT!)
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
Say “I’ve never read history” without, you know, saying it.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
To amplify from the other side of the world:
善為士者,不武;善戰者,不怒;善勝敵者,不與;善用人者,為之下。是謂不爭之德,是謂用人之力,是謂配天古之極。 —老子
A good scholar is not a warrior; A good fighter is not angry; Those who are good at defeating enemies will not compete with them; Those who make good use of people are inferior. It is called the virtue of not competing, the power of using people, and the extreme of matching heaven and ancient times. —Laozi