- Comment on glass 8 months ago:
clear? i dont know about that just melting some random quartz sand does not make it very clear
- Comment on Can I still use this salt? 8 months ago:
i think what you are describing is the “best before date”. the expiration date instead works as OP describes it: after the expiration the product should be tossed.
i usually see expiration dates on fish and meat. afaik honey never comes with an expiration date; the best before date is probably only relevant for the taste of the honey, not for its safety.
- Comment on Can I still use this salt? 8 months ago:
sodium iodide does not prevent clumping. typical anti-caking agents in salt are: fumed silica, potassium ferrocyanide, alumosilcate salts [Na+ | Ca2+ | K+] and sometimes, more frequently in organic products: simple carbonate salts (also [Na+ | Ca2+ | K+]).
I know there are people who are afraid of anything with with the word “cyanide” anywhere in the description but ferrocyanides are really quite harmless. they are so harmless in fact that they are a common component of chemistry kits for little kids to make prussian blue.