Large sheep the size of a small sheep! Late 20's queer sysadmin, release engineer and programmer. Likes tea, DIY, and nerd stuff. Follow requests generally accepted but please have a filled out profile first!
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
@fossilesque Don't forget those of us in the back row because we slept in and got there late!
- Comment on Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke. 6 months ago:
@Gaywallet I have a couple thoughts on this:
This seems like a way that device attestation could worm its way further into our devices. Right now Google is trying to watermark AI-generated photos as AI, but you could easily go the other way - if a photo hasn't been manipulated, it's signed with a key that is locked down to device attestation. What, your phone is rooted? That's kinda suspicious - how am I supposed to know your photos are real?
Short of that, though, I suspect that the most likely consequence of this is the videos will start being increasingly seen as necessary for true proof, since those are harder to fake - for now, at least. And of course, there will be a lot more misinformation (harmless or otherwise) from bad actors, especially in the short term while awareness of this catches up.
- Comment on I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness 6 months ago:
@HawlSera @chloyster I mean, I absolutely know people who use she/her but present very masc, and vise-versa. They may be relatively uncommon, but so are trans people in general and we're still worth representing. Your experience is absolutely not universal.
- Comment on Pablo Sanchez Returns! ‘Backyard Sports’ Video Game Franchise Set to Relaunch and Expand Into Film, Television and More 6 months ago:
@chloyster @alyaza I had no idea the series was developed by Humongous! That studio made so many good games that I'm nostalgic for.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 6 months ago:
@SPAUZPiMP @scarabic Oh wow, did he literally say "irreducible complexity?" That is SO blatant lol.
- Comment on The Unbreakable Kryptos Code 10 months ago:
@remington There are few creators whose videos I will jump to view the instant they drop, and Lemmino is one of them. This is a pretty interesting subject that I haven't heard of, despite it apparently being quite well-known.
Tbh, Sanborn not being confident/experienced with math and cryptography kinda tracks with his apparent surprise that expert cryptographers cracked a Vigenere cipher in a couple days rather than follow an obscure breadcrumb trail that's still unclear, even after knowing the key. For me, K4's enduring mystery prompts comparison to the Zodiac killer ciphers, which ended up being so difficult to unwind, not because they were brilliant ciphers devised by a mastermind, but because the author made a bunch of mistakes. Still, at this point it seems likely that Sanborn has checked his work over multiple times, so maybe there really is just some trick that no one has thought of. He's clearly eager for it to be solved, so we may know in the coming decades!