Cat and Tech enthusiast from Germany. Account by
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Noone will ever know what i did 9 months ago:
…what did you get away with then? 🤔
- Comment on Noone will ever know what i did 9 months ago:
Know what? That you just AI Generated this?
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
I think what you’re experiencing online is a mix of loud minorities^1^ and online disinhibition^2^, not an accurate representation of vegans.
1: When there exists a minority in XYZ Group that is “louder” than the majority, causing people to associate XYZ group with the minority. 2: The phenomena of people acting out more violently, frequently, or pushy online when compared to being in-person, primarily due to anonymity
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
In spirit
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
Specifically the annoyingly loud, self-righteous, insists-everyone-must-join-them vegans. Unfortunately, most people only really see this sort of vegan
On this note, I’d like to point to the Loud Minority problem; You have XYZ group, and within XYZ group there exists a minority that comes across as very “loud”. You can barely miss them, and because they state they’re a part of XYZ group, you start associating that group with the loud minority.
Happens with Vegans a lot, and usually people which have already associated a group with a minority within said group which annoys them do not want to learn that they are wrong, or will just refuse to accept they are wrong.
- Comment on Which is the best Lemmy app for mobile? 10 months ago:
I know enough people that hate Material Design 3, or even just the Monet component, so I’ll leave that for everyone to decide for themselves.
- Comment on Which is the best Lemmy app for mobile? 10 months ago:
FWIW, Voyager has a Material-Design inspired alternative look that can be enabled in the settings.
- Comment on Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game 10 months ago:
Hypixel is fucking massive and finances this purely of off cosmetics for the most part, with Hypixel having developed their own custom server-side anticheat solution
Oh, they also don’t use neural networks for this.
- Comment on Advertising fascism - The UK Home Office 10 months ago:
so, the context is deporting people to gain votes, is that right???
- Submitted 10 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game 10 months ago:
but I can’t really think of any non invasive solution to draw away cheaters Server-Side Anticheat. The Minecraft community has been doing it ALL ON THEIR OWN for YEARS, effectively.
- Comment on Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game 10 months ago:
League of Legends recently adopted it.
- Comment on Advertising fascism - The UK Home Office 10 months ago:
what disgusting justification do they have this time?