- Comment on Can someone explain the framework of the current British... idk is empire the correct term? 2 months ago:
When I became a Canadian citizen, around a decade ago, I pledged fealty to Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada.
So, Canada (and probably Australia too) is a kingdom different from the United Kingdom, that happens to have the same monarch. Different crowns, same person under it. Given that the British monarch only retains a ceremonial role in every country that they “rules”, having the same one doesn’t make a lot of differences from having our separate one.
- Comment on There are Minimum Wages, Why Not a Maximum Wage? 3 months ago:
Yeah, we can also make it fun. One someone has amassed a certain quantity of wealth, make a big ceremony, where the guy is given a trophy that says “I won capitalism”. After that, every dollar he makes past the limit is taxed 100%
- Comment on Switch performs better running games through an emulator emulating the switch than natively. 11 months ago:
Is it possible that the native card reader is slower than the usb-c one ? Maybe a bus bandwidth issue ?