- Comment on Not disparaging the dead or anything. But why does it seem in the US we are expected to feel sorry for a person who overdoses on illegal drugs? Didn't they make the choice knowing the outcome? 4 months ago:
It’s not that Liam or any other celebrity is more important than anybody else. It’s that they are more widely known. You’re not going to see an outpouring of support on social media for a regular person from Chicago because there aren’t that many people that know them or are affected by their death. That doesn’t make them less worthy of empathy, just less well known.
- Comment on If Necromancy suddenly became possible, can the undead be called as a witness during court proceedings? 6 months ago:
This is my kind of thread pulling. I like your style.
- Comment on Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds 7 months ago:
A million percent agree. If you haven’t played it yet, look nothing up and play it as blindly as possible. I’m so glad I did and wish I could do it again.
- Comment on Anon remembers Halloween 1995 8 months ago:
I have a theory that most people’s favorite food is actually onion. We like them sweet, spicy, pickled, and in breakfast omelettes, lunch sandwiches, and alongside dinner proteins. There isn’t much that isn’t improved or at least complemented by an onion.
- Comment on Could anyone explain the linguistics around the word "shit"? 8 months ago:
This won’t help, but it’s fun: youtu.be/igh9iO5BxBo?si=oyLAwhvrhsR4FHSZ
- Comment on Wells Fargo has fired a bunch of employees after finding out they were pretending to work with "simulation of keyboard activity" 9 months ago:
I use one too because I’m not away; I’m right fucking here in the office doing all this in-person collaborating management wants so badly.